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Current release 0.8.12 (January 18, 2025)

Toybox Status

Status of toybox 0.8.12

Legend: [posix] <lsb> (development) {toolbox} =klibc= #sash# @sbase@ *beastiebox* $tizen$ -fhs- .yocto. %shell% +request+ pending


+acpi+ $arch$ .ascii. .base32. $base64$ [basename] +blkdiscard+ .blkid. +blockdev+ (bunzip2) (bzcat) [cal] [cat] #chattr# [chgrp] [chmod] [chown] (chroot) +chrt+ @chvt@ [cksum] @clear@ [cmp] [comm] +count+ [cp] (cpio) .crc32. [cut] [date] [dd] .deallocvt. +devmem+ [df] [dirname] <dmesg> (dnsdomainname) +dos2unix+ [du] [echo] <egrep> @eject@ [env] [expand] +factor+ @fallocate@ [false] <fgrep> [file] [find] @flock@ +fmt+ [fold] @free@ +freeramdisk+ +fsfreeze+ =fstype= +fsync+ (ftpget) (ftpput) [getconf] .getopt. +gpiodetect+ +gpiofind+ +gpioget+ +gpioinfo+ +gpioset+ [grep] <groups> <gunzip> =halt= [head] #help# +hexedit+ +host+ <hostname> +httpd+ .hwclock. +i2cdetect+ +i2cdump+ +i2cget+ +i2cset+ +i2ctransfer+ +iconv+ [id] (ifconfig) +inotifyd+ .insmod. <install> +ionice+ +iorenice+ +iotop+ [kill] <killall> +killall5+ [link] +linux32+ [ln] [logger] @login@ [logname] (losetup) [ls] #lsattr# .lsmod. +lspci+ +lsusb+ +makedevs+ +mcookie+ <md5sum> +memeater+ .microcom. +mix+ [mkdir] [mkfifo] <mknod> +mkpasswd+ -mkswap- <mktemp> +modinfo+ <mount> (mountpoint) [mv] +nbd-client+ +nbd-server+ (nc) +netcat+ -netstat- [nice] [nl] [nohup] $nproc$ +nsenter+ [od] +oneit+ .openvt. +partprobe+ [paste] [patch] (pgrep) <pidof> *ping* +ping6+ =pivot_root= (pkill) +pmap+ =poweroff= #printenv# [printf] +prlimit+ [ps] [pwd] +pwdx+ +pwgen+ +readahead+ +readelf+ (readlink) .realpath. =reboot= [renice] .reset. .rev. .rfkill. [rm] [rmdir] .rmmod. +rtcwake+ [sed] <seq> +setfattr+ @setsid@ (sha1sum) $sha224sum$ @sha256sum@ $sha384sum$ $sha3sum$ @sha512sum@ $shred$ .shuf. [sleep] +sntp+ [sort] [split] (stat) @strings@ <su> -swapoff- -swapon- (switch_root) <sync> *sysctl* (tac) [tail] <tar> +taskset+ [tee] [test] [time] +timeout+ .top. [touch] [true] @truncate@ .ts. [tsort] [tty] +tunctl+ +uclampset+ +ulimit+ <umount> [uname] +unicode+ [uniq] +unix2dos+ [unlink] @unshare@ @uptime@ .usleep. [uudecode] [uuencode] +uuidgen+ +vconfig+ +vmstat+ +w+ @watch@ +watchdog+ [wc] (wget) (which) [who] (whoami) [xargs] +xxd+ (yes) [zcat]

Partially implemented (in toys/pending)

.addgroup. .adduser. +arp+ +arping+ [awk] +bash+ [bc] +bootchartd+ +brctl+ %break% %cd% <chsh> %continue% @crond@ +crontab+ [csplit] %declare% .delgroup. .deluser. +dhcp+ +dhcp6+ +dhcpd+ [diff] .dumpleases. %eval% %exec% %exit% %export% [expr] (fdisk) *fsck* +getfattr+ *getty* <groupadd> <groupdel> +hd+ .hexdump. (init) .ip. +ipaddr+ +ipcrm+ +ipcs+ +iplink+ +iproute+ +iprule+ +iptunnel+ %jobs% .klogd. +last+ %local% +lsof+ [man] (mdev) {modprobe} [more] %return% (route) %set% [sh] %shift% %source% +strace+ [stty] .sulogin. .syslogd. +tcpsvd+ .telnet. +telnetd+ @tftp@ +tftpd+ +toysh+ [tr] *traceroute* +traceroute6+ +udpsvd+ %unset% <useradd> <userdel> [vi] %wait% (xzcat)

Not started yet

#ar# [at] .bzip2. <chfn> +compress+ .dc. .depmod. $diff3$ +dig+ $dosfslabel$ .dumpkmap. #ed# .fbset. (fsck.ext2) $fsck.vfat$ .fstrim. [fuser] (genext2fs) {getevent} <groupmod> <gzip> $hostid$ .ifdown. .ifup. =ipconfig= +iwconfig+ +iwlist+ [join] +kexec+ =kinit= (less) .loadfont. .loadkmap. .logread. .lzcat. .mesg. (mke2fs) $mkfs.vfat$ {newfs_msdos} [newgrp] =nfsmount= .nslookup. <passwd> $pinky$ .rdate. .resize. (resize2fs) =resume= +rpm2cpio+ +rsync+ .run-parts. $runcon$ $sdiff$ .setconsole. +sfdisk+ <shutdown> .start-stop-daemon. +sudo+ [tabs] [tput] +tracepath+ (tune2fs) .udhcpc. .udhcpd. [unexpand] .unzip. <usermod> $users$ $zcmp$ $zdiff$ $zegrep$ $zfgrep$ +zip+ $zless$ $zmore$

Categories of remaining todo items


at awk bc csplit diff expr .fuser. $@join@$ man more newgrp sh stty tabs tput tr $@unexpand@$ vi


chfn chsh groupadd groupdel groupmod .-#={(gzip)}=#-. @passwd@ -shutdown- useradd userdel usermod


awk diff expr fdisk .-#={<gzip>}=#-. sh tr .*less*. init mdev route vi resize2fs tune2fs fsck.ext2 genext2fs mke2fs xzcat


getevent .-#=(<gzip>)=#-. modprobe newfs_msdos sh


nfsmount sh .-#{(<gzip>)}#-. kinit ipconfig resume


ar ed .-={(<gzip>)}=-. more sh


crond expr $[join]$ tftp tr $[unexpand]$ <passwd>


fdisk fsck getty init .(less). more route sh stty traceroute vi


.users. @[unexpand]@ @[join]@ csplit hostid runcon mkfs.vfat fsck.vfat dosfslabel pinky diff3 sdiff zcmp zdiff zegrep zfgrep zless zmore


more sh stty .#={(<gzip>)}=#. <shutdown> fdisk getty init route


addgroup adduser sh awk bzip2 dc delgroup deluser depmod diff dumpkmap dumpleases expr fbset fdisk fsck fstrim [fuser] getty -#={(<gzip>)}=#- hexdump ifdown ifup ip klogd *(less)* loadfont loadkmap logread lzcat mesg modprobe more nslookup +rdate+ resize route run-parts setconsole sh start-stop-daemon stty sulogin syslogd telnet tftp tr udhcpc udhcpd +unzip+ $users$ vi xzcat


break cd continue declare eval exec exit export jobs local return set shift source unset wait


dig getty hexdump klogd modprobe sfdisk sudo syslogd telnet telnetd tracepath traceroute .unzip. zip iwconfig iwlist .rdate. sulogin bootchartd arp crond crontab deluser last rpm2cpio arping brctl dumpleases fsck tcpsvd tftpd lsof compress dhcp dhcpd addgroup delgroup ip ipcrm ipcs udpsvd adduser getfattr kexec dhcp6 ipaddr iplink iproute iprule iptunnel cd exit toysh bash traceroute6 rsync hd strace

All commands together in one big list

+acpi+ .addgroup. .adduser. #ar# $arch$ +arp+ +arping+ .ascii. [at] [awk] .base32. $base64$ [basename] +bash+ [bc] +blkdiscard+ .blkid. +blockdev+ +bootchartd+ +brctl+ %break% (bunzip2) (bzcat) .bzip2. [cal] [cat] %cd% #chattr# <chfn> [chgrp] [chmod] [chown] (chroot) +chrt+ <chsh> @chvt@ [cksum] @clear@ [cmp] [comm] +compress+ %continue% +count+ [cp] (cpio) .crc32. @crond@ +crontab+ [csplit] [cut] [date] .dc. [dd] .deallocvt. %declare% .delgroup. .deluser. .depmod. +devmem+ [df] +dhcp+ +dhcp6+ +dhcpd+ [diff] $diff3$ +dig+ [dirname] <dmesg> (dnsdomainname) +dos2unix+ $dosfslabel$ [du] .dumpkmap. .dumpleases. [echo] #ed# <egrep> @eject@ [env] %eval% %exec% %exit% [expand] %export% [expr] +factor+ @fallocate@ [false] .fbset. (fdisk) <fgrep> [file] [find] @flock@ +fmt+ [fold] @free@ +freeramdisk+ *fsck* (fsck.ext2) $fsck.vfat$ +fsfreeze+ .fstrim. =fstype= +fsync+ (ftpget) (ftpput) [fuser] (genext2fs) [getconf] {getevent} +getfattr+ .getopt. *getty* +gpiodetect+ +gpiofind+ +gpioget+ +gpioinfo+ +gpioset+ [grep] <groupadd> <groupdel> <groupmod> <groups> <gunzip> <gzip> =halt= +hd+ [head] #help# .hexdump. +hexedit+ +host+ $hostid$ <hostname> +httpd+ .hwclock. +i2cdetect+ +i2cdump+ +i2cget+ +i2cset+ +i2ctransfer+ +iconv+ [id] (ifconfig) .ifdown. .ifup. (init) +inotifyd+ .insmod. <install> +ionice+ +iorenice+ +iotop+ .ip. +ipaddr+ =ipconfig= +ipcrm+ +ipcs+ +iplink+ +iproute+ +iprule+ +iptunnel+ +iwconfig+ +iwlist+ %jobs% [join] +kexec+ [kill] <killall> +killall5+ =kinit= .klogd. +last+ (less) [link] +linux32+ [ln] .loadfont. .loadkmap. %local% [logger] @login@ [logname] .logread. (losetup) [ls] #lsattr# .lsmod. +lsof+ +lspci+ +lsusb+ .lzcat. +makedevs+ [man] +mcookie+ <md5sum> (mdev) +memeater+ .mesg. .microcom. +mix+ [mkdir] (mke2fs) [mkfifo] $mkfs.vfat$ <mknod> +mkpasswd+ -mkswap- <mktemp> +modinfo+ {modprobe} [more] <mount> (mountpoint) [mv] +nbd-client+ +nbd-server+ (nc) +netcat+ -netstat- {newfs_msdos} [newgrp] =nfsmount= [nice] [nl] [nohup] $nproc$ +nsenter+ .nslookup. [od] +oneit+ .openvt. +partprobe+ <passwd> [paste] [patch] (pgrep) <pidof> *ping* +ping6+ $pinky$ =pivot_root= (pkill) +pmap+ =poweroff= #printenv# [printf] +prlimit+ [ps] [pwd] +pwdx+ +pwgen+ .rdate. +readahead+ +readelf+ (readlink) .realpath. =reboot= [renice] .reset. .resize. (resize2fs) =resume= %return% .rev. .rfkill. [rm] [rmdir] .rmmod. (route) +rpm2cpio+ +rsync+ +rtcwake+ .run-parts. $runcon$ $sdiff$ [sed] <seq> %set% .setconsole. +setfattr+ @setsid@ +sfdisk+ [sh] (sha1sum) $sha224sum$ @sha256sum@ $sha384sum$ $sha3sum$ @sha512sum@ %shift% $shred$ .shuf. <shutdown> [sleep] +sntp+ [sort] %source% [split] .start-stop-daemon. (stat) +strace+ @strings@ [stty] <su> +sudo+ .sulogin. -swapoff- -swapon- (switch_root) <sync> *sysctl* .syslogd. [tabs] (tac) [tail] <tar> +taskset+ +tcpsvd+ [tee] .telnet. +telnetd+ [test] @tftp@ +tftpd+ [time] +timeout+ .top. [touch] +toysh+ [tput] [tr] +tracepath+ *traceroute* +traceroute6+ [true] @truncate@ .ts. [tsort] [tty] +tunctl+ (tune2fs) +uclampset+ .udhcpc. .udhcpd. +udpsvd+ +ulimit+ <umount> [uname] [unexpand] +unicode+ [uniq] +unix2dos+ [unlink] %unset% @unshare@ .unzip. @uptime@ <useradd> <userdel> <usermod> $users$ .usleep. [uudecode] [uuencode] +uuidgen+ +vconfig+ [vi] +vmstat+ +w+ %wait% @watch@ +watchdog+ [wc] (wget) (which) [who] (whoami) [xargs] +xxd+ (xzcat) (yes) [zcat] $zcmp$ $zdiff$ $zegrep$ $zfgrep$ +zip+ $zless$ $zmore$

See the Roadmap page for more information.