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10 Apr 2003
Chronology |
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see the Multics general information and
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For explanations of Multics terms, see the Multics Glossary.
A graphical presentation of some of these events is in the
site timeline.
1959 | John McCarthy proposes time-sharing in memo to Philip M. Morse, director of the MIT Computation Center. |
1961 | Burroughs B5000 (dual CPUs, segmentation) |
05/62 | Paper on CTSS presented at Spring Joint Computer Conference. |
08/62 | First Paper on Internet Concept by J. C. R. Licklider & Welden Clark, "On-Line Man Computer Communication". |
09/62 |
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04/64 | IBM announces System/360 (4/7/64) |
05/64 | DTSS brought up at Dartmouth on a GE-225/DATANET-30. (05/01/64, 4AM) |
08/64 | General Electric selected as supplier for MAC research machine. |
11/64 | Bell Labs joins Multics project with MIT and GE |
11/65 | Special Multics session at Fall Joint Computer Confence |
08/65 | GE 635 delivered to Project MAC,
6.36 simulator running
IBM announces TSS/360 |
06/66 | Flag Day (06/14/66) |
01/67 | GE 645 delivered to Project MAC |
03/67 | GE 635 removed from Project MAC milestone phase .5 (file system on simulator) |
05/67 |
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09/67 |
![]() TENEX begun at BBN |
12/67 | milestone phase 1 (single process boot on 645) |
03/68 | milestone A3 - 3 processes |
04/68 | IBM decommits TSS/360 |
05/68 | IBM releases CP/67 version 1 to 8 sites |
07/68 | First Multics picnic |
08/68 | RADC GE-645 installed |
10/68 | Demonstrable Initial Multics milestone (8 users) |
12/68 | console sessions in 545 Tech Sq moved MAC 7094 to MIT IPC, building 39 |
01/69 | Limited Initial Multics milestone (12 users) |
01/69 | Integrated mini-GIM & TTY DIM into system |
04/69 | Bell Labs drops out of Multics development Unix begun on PDP-7 at Bell Labs IBM un-decommits TSS/360 |
05/69 | file system 2.0 |
06/69 | milestone 3.0.10 |
07/69 | Experimental MIT use of Multics (Cambridge Project) |
10/69 | MSS 4.0 - Multics public at MIT new PL1 compiler, new traffic control |
12/69 | MSS 5.0 - DSU270's (10 MB disk) |
03/70 | MSS 6.0 - Revised command loop MSS 7.0 - page control rewrite DEC announces PDP-11 (3/28/70) |
05/70 | First Multics talk at GESHUA XI in Seattle (THVV) Honeywell buys GE computer division: the "merger" |
06/70 | MSS 8.0 - pre-paging and post-purging
TENEX on the air June 15, 1970 |
08/70 | MSS 9.0 - new Directory Control, User Control Multics installed on RADC machine |
10/70 | MSS 10.0 - new ttydim |
11/70 | MSS 11.0 - new init |
12/70 | MSS 12.0 - Support for DSU170's MSS 13.0 - Associative Memory fix Unix ported to PDP-11 at Bell Labs |
01/71 | MSS 14.0 - Moved processes from ring 32 to ring 4 |
01/71 | Multics Symposium at MIT Jan 21-22 |
04/71 | MSS 15.0 - retrofit |
05/71 | IBM decommits TSS/360 |
09/71 | MIT 645 Multics providing service on ARPANet (host #6) via GIMPSPIF.(RFC 0252) |
1972 | Paris 645 installed at Bull on Av. Gambetta |
11/72 | MIT 6180 delivered System M "6090" installed. |
12/72 | MSS 18.0. - ACL redo: CACLs eliminated |
01/73 | Multics and H6180 announcement at Boston Museum of Science (01/17/73) |
07/73 | CTSS turned off at MIT IPC (07/20/73) |
12/73 | MIT 6180 Multics connected to ARPANet (host #44) by ABSI. |
12/73 | Thompson and Ritchie present Unix paper at ACM SOSP |
1974 | CISL development machine installed |
01/74 | MSS 22.0 Ford installed |
05/74 | GM Corporate (GMISCA) installed |
06/74 | MR 1.0: EIS, BASIC, GCOS Simulator, DSS191 |
1975 | RADC, BCO, System M upgraded to 6180s |
01/75 | MR 2.0: CPU cache, NPS, 1600bpi tape, TN1200 |
03/75 | MR 2.1: iox_, probe, debug, On-line T&D |
06/75 | MR 2.2: Secure Mail |
09/75 | MR 3.0: MCS, Scheduler, RCP, COBOL-74, SORT |
1975 | Ford deinstalled |
07/75 | University of Southwestern Louisiana installed |
1976 | USGS Reston installed |
02/76 | MSS 28.0: New storage system |
03/76 | MR 3.1: AIM, DTSS Simulator, HEALS, 4 FNPs |
07/76 | MR 4.0: New storage system, MRDS, MSU451 |
09/76 | MR 4.0.1: Reconfiguration & Operator Interfaces |
12/76 | MR 5.0: 4MW SCUs |
1977 | Honeywell-MIT collaboration ends USGS Menlo Park and Denver installed Puerto Rican Highway Authority installed Industrial Nucleonics installed Apple Computer founded (01/03/77) |
10/77 | MR 6.0: tape, ESD, salvager, RJE, WORDPRO, 7 CPUs |
1978 | Ford installed again INRIA/Rocquencourt installed University of Grenoble installed University of Calgary installed |
03/78 | MR 6.1 |
09/78 | MR 6.5: Video Terminals, DN6670, IBM 3780 |
11/78 | Palyn Report presented to Honeywell management |
12/78 | MR 6.5a Oakland University (OU) installed |
1979 | INRA, Renault installed |
01/79 | Unix setuid patent issued (01/16/79) |
01/79 | CNO installed (01/22/79) |
03/79 | MR 7.0: GTSS Sim, TP, MSU0500, Tape Archive, T&D |
06/79 | MR 7.0a: L6 Conc, 9 Track tape, Emacs, VIP7760 |
09/79 | MR 7.0b: FIPS COBOL, WORDPRO |
1980 | Stratus formed, many Multicians leave CISL
NWGS Level 68 development system installed at US Naval War College. Dir. Prevision, EPSHOM, INSEE, IRT installed |
03/80 | MR 8.0: VIP7801/7804, IBM 3270, Process Preservation, ORION support, Bulk Store removed. |
03/80 | Site N (Flagship) installed 03/27/80. |
12/80 | MR 8.2: MSU0500/501, T&D, COBOL, PL/I, FORTRAN, BOS |
1981 | VW (USA) installed in Honeywell space INSEE/Paris, CERAM, CICB, Culture, CICT, INRIA/Sophia installed |
08/81 | IBM PC announced (8/14/81) |
09/81 | St Johns installed |
10/81 | MR 9.0: DPS 8/70M CPUs, 8 FNPs, Executive Mail |
12/81 | Shutdown of Virginia Polytechnic Institute |
1982 | Bristol & Bath (Avon) installed; DND Halifax installed (dual L68); Bull Systeme X installed at Louveciennes (L68/DPS-8); VW shut down, deal canceled by corporate; CIRIL, CNET, INRIA/Rennes, Mainz installed |
03/82 | MR 9.1: T&D, HASP, Emacs, FORTRAN, Tape |
06/82 | STC installed |
07/82 | PMDC moved from Camelback |
10/82 | MR10.0: 4 IOMs, IOM Paged Mode, Dial-out, X.25, Forum |
11/82 | Cardiff (CJCC) installed. |
1983 | SNECMA, CICRP, INNPPP, Credit Lyonnais, SOZAWE, ONERA/CERT, SNECMA, ELF, Brunel installed USGS Menlo Park shut down |
01/83 | CNO gets 8/70M |
03/83 | UBCC installed |
04/83 | CCVR installed |
06/83 | Canadian DND (DDDS) installed |
09/83 | CISL moves from Tech Square to Cambridge Center |
10/83 | MR 10.1: Printers 901/1201, X.25 LAPB, Subsystem Utilities |
1984 | USGS Reston, Dir. Prevision, INSEE shut down DOCKMASTER installed |
01/84 | MR 10.2: Satellite 6M, LINUS, FIPS FORTRAN |
02/84 | ACTC becomes additional development site (2/3/84) |
06/84 | Special for DND: IO reconfiguration |
1985 | Almost 100 sites (Gintell ACM speech) USGS Denver, INRA, Renault, ELF shut down ONERA/Paris installed DND-H upgraded to triple 8-70M |
02/85 | Flower canceled by Honeywell |
06/85 | Multics development capped by Honeywell MR 11.0: 32k Cache, FAMIS, Exec Forum, PC Support; 2741, 1050, and ARDS support removed |
08/85 | B2 Orange Book rating awarded to MR11.0+ by NCSC (08/29/85) |
10/85 | Black armbands at HLSUA Multics Company spin-off (based on Flower) proposed at HLSUA Initial study for NOS (Opus) with MOD-400 group |
11/85 | Spin-off dismissed by Honeywell |
12/85 | McDonnell Douglas installed |
1986 | EPSHOM, IRT, CERAM, INRIA/Sophia, Mainz, SOZAWE, Credit Lyonnais shut down SEP installed |
01/86 | Opus (NOS/VS3) IPR-0 review at Honeywell |
05/86 | CISL closed (5/22/86), Opus team to Honeywell Billerica |
07/86 | NWGS DPS 8/70(M) installed at US Naval War College. Level 68 moved to SDF, Moorestown NJ, and got SMS workstations. |
12/86 | MR 12.0: BOS eliminated, IMU, FIPS tape & disk, C compiler. |
1987 | Shutdown of SNECMA, CICT Bull Systeme X moved to Rocquencourt NWGS TTGL (Dam Neck VA) and TTGP (San Diego) sites installed. System M moved to DVCP |
11/87 | Bull takes over Honeywell computer division |
12/87 | Shutdown of CNO (12/11/87) |
1988 | Shutdown of INRIA, CICB, Culture, CIRIL, CNET, INNPPP, ONERA, Brunel |
01/88 | Shutdown of MIT Multics (MSS 38.3), eqpt to McDonnell (01/02/88) |
04/88 | Development transferred to ACTC (Calgary) Opus canceled by Bull |
05/88 | Shutdown of AFDSC system T (05/31/88) |
09/88 | Shutdown of Brunel University Shutdown of CICRP, Grenoble, Rennes |
11/88 | MR 12.2: lint and make; TCP/IP support and inter-system mail. |
10/88 | Shutdown of Bristol & Bath (Avon) (10/10/88) |
09/89 | Shutdown of St Johns (09/14/89) Shutdown of RADC (09/30/89) Shutdown of UBCC |
12/89 | MR 12.3 |
1990 | Oakland University shut down CCVR, SEP shut down |
05/90 | Shutdown of University of Southwestern Louisiana |
12/90 | MR 12.4 |
1991 | Shutdown of ABB (formerly Industrial Nucleonics). |
03/91 | Shutdown of Cardiff Joint Computing Centre (03/15/91) |
07/91 | Shutdown of Loughborough University Shutdown of ASEA Brown Boveri |
1992 | Shutdown of Bull Systeme X |
02/92 | Shutdown of AFDSC system D (02/28/92) |
03/92 | Shutdown of INRIA Shutdown of AFDSC system M (03/31/92) |
06/92 | Shutdown of last AFDSC machine, system Z (06/30/92) |
09/92 | Shutdown of Site N (Flagship). |
04/93 | alt.os.multics started by Magnus Olsson |
06/93 | Shutdown of U of Calgary (06/16/93) |
09/93 | Shutdown of DDDS/ORAE (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) (09/03/93) |
11/93 | Shutdown of Honeywell System M (Phoenix) (11/28/93) |
12/95 | Shutdown of McDonnell Douglas (12/22/95) |
04/96 | Shutdown of last NWGS system, at US Naval War College. |
04/97 | Shutdown of Ford (04/25/97) |
03/98 | Shutdown of DOCKMASTER (03/31/98) Hardware to the Computer Museum History Center. |
10/98 | Shutdown of GM (10/20/98) |
07/00 | Shutdown of CGI (was Perigon (was ACTC)) (07/07/00) |
10/00 | Shutdown of DND-H (17:08Z 10/30/00) |