About the ALS

Mission Statement

The Atlanta Linux Showcase was founded in 1996 for the purpose of furthering the use of the Linux operating system in the public and private sectors. We seek to achieve this goal by providing a forum in which to present and discuss technical innovations using Linux and recognize technical excellence in the development of Linux-related computing solutions. In the process, we seek to educate the general public on the use of solutions involving Linux, and promote a sense of community among Linux users and developers.

Many new projects that have advanced the state of computing can have their roots traced back to Linux. As Linux continues to evolve, it influences the development of other computing environments. These efforts in turn inspire more Linux development. We believe that these creative efforts should be encouraged and supported by the community at large. We believe that by offering resources at critical times, we can further the evolution of Linux and thereby further the evolution of computing as a whole.

We believe that education of the general public on the use of Linux is a key factor in the success of Linux. Towards this end, we provide an outlet for technically experienced individuals to share their expertise and in the process, create a resource for those who wish to learn about Linux. By providing a consistent and thorough source for Linux information, we encourage others to learn more about Linux at their own pace and in a way that is most comfortable to them.

The community that has formed around the Linux movement is one of its greatest strengths and has allowed Linux to develop in ways that no other operating system can claim. To continue this strong tradition, we sponsor events which serve as gathering points for individuals interested in Linux. We also provide resources to aid groups that work on Linux-oriented community projects.

The Atlanta Linux Showcase, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation consisting of an advisory council composed of 12 Board members including a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. None of the members receive monetary compensation for the efforts.

ALS '99 Organizers

Marc Torres, President ALS, marct@linuxshowcase.org
Chris Farris, Vice-President ALS, chrisf@linuxshowcase.org
Chris is the Vice President and responsible for all day to day and logistical operations involved with ALS. Chris has been involved with Linux since 1992, and is a founding member of the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts. Chris is also president of Hawkeye Network Solutions, a consulting firm that develops custom applications using Open Source software and tools. In his spare time Chris pursues Internet Civil Liberties Issues, and plays in the SCA.
Steve Lewis, CFO, sglewis@linuxshowcase.org
Applications Developer at Sprint, writing sales support applications in C++ and Delphi. Has also been a systems administrator of several UNIX systems. Enjoys relaxing from a day of mind-numbing Windows programming by playing around with Linux whenever possible.
Levien de Braal, Webmaster, levien@linuxshowcase.org
Research Scientist at the Graphics, Visualization, and Usability (GVU) Center, and part of the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Research interests include user interface design, medical informatics, computer graphics, and visualization. Member of ACM and IEEE.
Louis Buchard, Floor Manager, louis@linuxshowcase.org
Ben Cooper, Vendor Sales Representative, ben@linuxshowcase.org
Daniel Cox, Speaker Coordinator, danny@linuxshowcase.org
Mr. Cox has used UNIX Operating Systems since 1981. He is proficient in C, shell, Perl, Awk, Sed, and the Ingres Relational Database, for all the good it does him. He is forced to use Delphi in his work, but has found time to develop an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) translator using Linux and its wonderful development environment. He uses Linux at work and at home, and wishes his clients would do the same.
Valerie Cox, Vendor Sales Representative, vcox@linuxshowcase.org
Valerie Cox is the spouse to Danny Cox, the Speaker Coordinator for ALS '99. She is a Registered Nurse working for McKessonHBOC dealing with hospital information systems, and is just learning to use linux. She assisted with the 1998 ALS registration. She is the Hospitality Coordinator for ALS '99.
Steven Duchene, Vendor Relations, sad@linuxshowcase.org
Hunter Eidson, Community Events Coordinator, hunter@linuxshowcase.org
Hunter has been an on-again, off-again user of Linux since 1994. He currently works for Georgia Perimeter College (the College formerly known as DeKalb) as the college's web programmer, as well as an assistant system administrator for the college's email and web server.
Robbie Honerkamp, Network and System Admin, robbie@linuxshowcase.org
Robbie is responsible for the maintaining this and other ALS servers as well as planning and operation of the ALS show network. He is an engineer for FlexMedia, an email outsourcing service provider and is also a vice president of Hawkeye Network Solutions, where he handles network and system administration issues for clients. On top of that, he is also involved in an as-yet-unnamed Internet startup. In his spare time he tries to remember to sleep and eat.
Paul D. Manno, Tutorial Coordinator, paulm@linuxshowcase.org
Paul is the manager of curriculum and technology for the Georgia Tech College of Computing Continuing Education program. He has administered large and small UNIX systems since 1976 and non-UNIX systems even longer. His professional and personal use of Linux encompasses several distributions over the last four years touching a variety of system, mail, web and network administration. He is the Tutorial Coordinator for ALS '99.
Vernard Martin, Community Events Coordinator, vernard@linuxshowcase.org
V, as he is usually called, is a PhD candidate in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. His current research is in Parallel and Distributed Computing focusing on the construction and management of large scale, highly dynamic, interactive distributed computational spaces (i.e. kickass games). His goal in life is finish his Phd so he can go and corrupt young minds.
Blake Sorensen, Registration/Volunteer Coordinator, blake@linuxshowcase.org
Blake has been a Linux user since 1995. He is a consultant with Hawkeye Network Solutions where he develops software in C, C++, Java, and Perl on both Linux and Windows platforms. He became involved with the Atlanta Linux Showcase in 1997 when Chris Farris (Blake's college roomate, and the then registration and speaker coordinator) called him up and said "I'm busy. Can you manage a registration desk?" He now herds cats, er, volunteers and officially manages the registration desk.

Special Credits

The ALS Board and Organizers would like to thank USENIX and Linux International for their help.
Atlanta Linux Showcase - P.O. Box 675161 - Marietta, GA 30006 Main Menu