2TFC008.MOD 1Remember Last Protocol Used The Flying Chicken [SysOp] #1 @12456 3Sunday, March 7, 1993 1 7:54 pm TFC008.MOD - Remember Last Protocol Used Author: The Flying Chicken 1@12456 (WWIVLink) 1@2456 (WWIVNet) 1@2456 (IceNet) Source: WWIV 4.20 thru 4.22 Version: 1.2 This is a handy little mod for your transfer section. Whenever you select a protocol for uploading or downloading, it will set your default protocol to the one that you select. The next xfer will then use that protocol. This way you don't have to select a protocol each time, it will remember the last one you used. v1.2 Upgraded to 4.22. v1.0 Initial version Before using this or any mod, back up your source !!!!! PKZIP source *.c *.h *.mak 1. Load SR.C and make the changes shown in the get_protocol() procedure. } nl(); } else done=1; } while ((!done) && (!hangup)); if (ch==13) return(prot); if ((ch>='0') && (ch<='9')) { /* CHANGE - Add '{' */ if (ch!='0') /* ADD */ thisuser.defprot=(ch-'0'); /* ADD */ return(ch-'0'); } /* ADD */ else 2. Okay, this next section splits into two parts, one for 4.21a and under, and the other for 4.22. If you are using 4.21a or under, do these changes, right below where step 1 left you. if (ch=='Q') return(-1); else { /* CHANGE - Add '{' */ thisuser.defprot=(ch-'A'+10); /* ADD */ return(ch-'A'+10); } /* ADD */ } If you are using 4.22, do these changes instead of the block above. The code has changed a bit here in 4.22, so it looks slightly different. if (ch=='Q') return(-1); else { i1=ch-BASE_CHAR+10; if (i1