Anti-Hack MOD The Stratocaster #1 @25495 3<5Your Local Guitar Tech3>0 Sun Mar 21 11:23:18 1993 FILE: STRAT001.MOD DESC: Avoid the //DOS hack attempt. Difficulty: Nope... not here. OK, here's my first mod, which I worte for a friend (also WWIV sysop) who felt he needed a little more safety from WWIV (so his co-sysop couldn't drop to DOS!). I devised this mod so that the //DOS can be accecced by any user, and it tells them that they're not allowed to hack the board. Pretty lame, eh? Step 1. BACK UP YOUR SOURCE!!! This mod has no garanty. Step 2. Load up BBS.C and look for the part: /* START */ if (strcmp(s,"DOS")==0) { /* STOCK BBS.C is line 410 */ if (checkpw()) { sysoplog(get_stringx(1,6)); shrink_out(getenv("COMSPEC"),1,1,1,0); topscreen(); } } /* END */ 3. MODIFY it by changing the "DOS" to something else you can remember easily. (Like "DROP"...) 4. Go down about 300 lines, till you find the //NET part in the source. 5. Anywhere around there, add this: /* Start block copy here */ if (strcmp(s,"DOS")==0) { /* The Stratocaster's anti-hack mod */ if (using_modem) { /* Dissables Remote Com */ incom=(!incom); dump(); tleft(0); } pl("6ACCESS DENIED! Your pitiful hack attempt has failed.0"); pl("6Your acount here will now be deleted and the SysOp informed.0"); sysoplog("Illegal //DOS attempt. Deleted thise user."); hangup=1; deluser(usernum); dtr(0); } /*End block copy here */ 6. Type MAKE or whatever it is you do. 7. Send me email telling me how bad it screwed up your computer, and how much it costed to fix it. :) 3Chowzers, 5The Stratocaster.0