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5th March 2002 | PET PRATTLE 2 |
Joe Griffin |
(This article was first published in the ICPUG Journal May/June 1988 issue. PRINTERS A printer is arguably the most important peripheral you can attach to your PET. Until you have a means of obtaining hard copy, the uses to which the machine can be put are severely limited. In my previous article, I mentioned that the peripherals for the PET were quite a long time coming. As a result of this a number of firms offered their own printers for use with Commodore machines. This trend has continued throughout the industry, with a large number of alternatives being offered for all makes. In this article, I shall concentrate mainly on dot-matrix printers, though much will also be relevant to daisywheel units. ADDRESSING THE PRINTER In Commodore BASIC, there are commands to address any IEEE bus device (disks, printers, etc.) whereas with various other BASICs, there is are means to directly address the printer. For example in IBM BASIC, to list a program to the screen, one types 'LIST'; to list to the printer the command is 'LLIST'. Similarly for printing, 'PRINT' goes to the screen and 'LPRINT' to the printer. With Commodore machines, the system is more complicated but does allow (in my opinion) greater versatility in programs. The procedure is as follows: 1) Open a communications channel to the printer. This statement needs to know two main pieces of information: a channel number, and the device number (printers are usually device 4 on the IEEE bus). A simple analogy is with telephones: to install a telephone iine requires a knowledge of the line number and where it actually goes. The command is (for example); OPEN 2,4 (channel 2 opened to device number 4) With some printers, there is a need to open what is known as a 'secondary address' to the printer (as will be explained later). In this case the command syntax is: OPEN 2,4,7 (channel 4 to device 2 with sa=7) 2) Send information down the line to the printer. The telephone analogy still holds: to ring our Editor, I simply use his number, I don't need to know where his house is. Here, two options are available: By redirection: CMD 2 (tells PET to use channel 2 for all output) 3) Drop the line to the printer: CLOSE 2 The PET can effectively be told to redirect all output to the required channel until instructed otherwise. This is of particular value when a block of printing is being done all at one time and the option is required to print it to the screen or the printer. If the printing is contained in a subroutine, repeated calls can be made with various redirection as required. 10 rem redirect output to printer Altematively, output can be directed specifically to the appropriate channel. This is of most use when the program is required to output to both screen and printer at the same time. 10 rem output to printer and screen CBM PRINTERS Over the years Commodore have produced (or had produced for them) a number of alternative printers. The original 2022 and 2023 printers were slow and noisy just like modern daisywheels!). They were superseded by the 4022 (an Epson-based unit of few features but good reliability). The 8ooo series were accompanied by the 8024 (fortunately a short-lived unit - built like a tank) and the 8026 & 8027 Olympia daisywheels (slow - 16 chars/sec). Later came the superb 8023 (later still it became the 1361) and the 6400 and 8300 daisy wheels. These latter two were lovely machines - we had a 6400 going spare at work and I managed to persuade the powers-that-be that it's best home was my office. On the night before I acquired it, it (and the entire floor where it was stored) was destroyed in a fire - a sad loss! The various daisywheel units were capable (as is my DPS 1101) of very high quality work and had the standard full range of features. The 8024 dot matrix was a very heavy-duty machine, not altogether suited to the PET range as it lacked one of the main features of the other CBM dot-matrix machines without having the variety of features found on third-party printers. Unlike all the other CBM matrix units it was unable to print the entire PET character set, including graphics symbols. In general the CBM dot-matrix units have few features, they can print reversed and double (or treble, quadruple etc) width characters. A 'user defined character' can be defined and printed (only one at a time though) and the number of lines/page and lines/inch can be adjusted, all through the use of secondary addresses. It is also possible to define and use a format for printing (rather like the 'print using' command on other machines, but not so versatile). On the 8023, secondary addresses can also be used to set the printer into a condensed pitch (17 cpi) or 'pseudo letter quality' mode (more 'pseudo' than 'letter quality'!). There are at least two variants of 8023 ROM (I have two different versions in my office). These differ in the secondary address used to reset the printer. The early 8023 uses sa10, the later one 16. The single biggest virtue of the CBM printers is that they are compatible - you just plug them in and go. There is no need for a special interface and apart from learning how to obtain the correct variant of upper-case /graphics (graphics mode) or lower-case/upper-case (text mode) the printers are quite simple to operate. As with the 40 column PETs, the CBM printers default to graphics mode. Just as any PET can switch between the two (POKE 59468,12 for graphics and POKE 59468,14 for text) so it is possible to switch the printer. However, here there is a difference: the printer can output lower case, upper case and graphics at the same time utilising a sort of 'shift function', using the cursor up/down keys. To print a line of text containing both upper and lower case letters, the line should be prefxed with a cursor down character (CHR$(17)). The printer will return to normal graphics mode when it performs a carriage retum or en counters a cursor up character (CHR$(145)). In practice I never use the 8023 in this way. I prefer to initially set the printer into text mode, then use the cursor keys to obtain graphics symbols when needed. Try the following: First, in direct mode, POKE 59468,14, to set the PET into text mode. 10 open 2,4:rem open printer 'PLUG COMPATIBLE' PRINTERS In addition to the CBM printers, there are a number of manufacturers who produce printers with a built-in 'PET Interface'. To a greater or lesser extent these provide some of the features of the Commodore printers. Commonly, the graphics characters and reverse field printing are available but many other features, obtained by secondary addresses, are not. Some of these printers may offer the worst of both worlds: being neither fully CBM compatible, nor allowing access to the full range of facilities found on the basic printer. NON-CBM PRINTERS Most third-party printers come with a 'Centronics' input. For use with the PET, an interface is required. At the start, a number of Centronics interfaces were available via the User Port but these were not supported by software authors, who tended to stick with the standard IEEE bus for output. My knowledge of these user port interfaces is non-existent, so I will comment no further on them in this article. Some manufacturers, such as Epson, provide a range of plug-in interface cards, both machine-specific and general. When I bought my Epson FX-80, I was advised to take the IEEE interface, rather than the so-called PET interface. The IEEE interface provides the appropriate connector on the printer but does not carry out any character conversion. There have been a number of interface leads available, which plug into the standard Centronics port on the printer and allow switching for ASCII or PETSCII code. These only convert codes, they do not provide the graphics characters of the CBM printers. So why use a non-CBM printer? The reason I chose an Epson was the range of features available. On the CBM 4022, the choice is limited to 10 cpi, normal or reversed characters, expanded characters and variable line pitch. On the B023, there is additionally the choice of 17 cpi or 10 cpi 'pseudo letter quality'. On the Epson FX-80, reverse is not available. However some of the type styles which can be selected include: 10, 12 or 17 cpi, underlining, italics, bold, double strike, superscripts, subscripts and proportional spacing. All these are selected by sending a series of characters to the printer and in general changes can be made in mid-line if required. The single biggest drawback of these printers is the need to use some form of conversion routine to get from PETSCII (on the PET) to true ASCII (for the printer). Many methods can be used. ROM MODIFICATION Some (long) time ago Lee Allen published a routine in the ICPUG-SE News letter (Issue 15, Page 29) detailing a modification to the 'F' ROM which allowed true ASCII output to channel 5 of an IEEE device (unit 4 or greater). Whenever I am running BASIC on my 8096, I use a soft-loaded system which includes this modification. To obtain correct printing from the Epson, I 'OPEN 5,4' and the modified code handles the conversion. It would be possible to blow an EPROM with the new code but being a late machine mine has soldered-in ROMs, not socketted ones. BASIC TRANSLATION A long time ago I was given a text file stored as true ASCII, from somewhere I obtained the following method of conversion (I believe the idea came from "Compute!" or ~Compute!'s First Book of PET/CBM"). Set up a string array 255 characters long. Each element stores the ASCII code of the character whose PETSCII code has the vatue of that element's index. Eg PETSCII 'a' is CHR$(65); the ASCII value of 'a' is 97. Thus if the translation array is CR$,CR$(65)=CHR$(97). When printing, for each character in turn obtain the PETSCII value N=ASC(...) then print CR$(N). The full translation array is defined by: 100 dim cr$(255):' translation array This method works for all BASICs, but is tediously slow. If the program is compiled then speed is reasonable but not brilliant. Machine-code conversion Early in 1986 l was contacted by a member who had an 8032 and MX-80 printer. He wanted normal text output - a reasonable request. l wrote and supplied him with a short machine code routine for the job. The code lives in the first cassette buffer and when called (by SYS 634) it converts each byte in the named string into ASCII. To use it in a program only three things are needed. 1) Poke the code into the cassette buffer at the start of the program. 2) Place the text to be printed in a string, adding a null character 0P$= "This is a Mixed STRING" +"" The null at the end ensures that the string is placed in high memory. Without it, the actual line of code would be altered. 3) Call the routine and print the string. SYS 634,0P$:PRINT#2,0P$ The code for BASIC 4 is as given here. 100 rem dsave "@asc-buffer/n",dl:? ds$ After running the program once, line 550 will be corrupted, by being converted to ASCII, within the program code. If a null is added to the end of the line, this will not occur. The same technique can be used with a Petspeed compiled program, though here the string does not need to be declared initially, as Petspeed has fixed variable addresses. |