
age author description
Tue, 13 Nov 2012 06:32:03 -0600 Rob Landley Older versions of glibc predated posix-2008. They still provide most of what we need, but require a boot to the headers to get them to admit it. Note that uClibc lies and claims to be glibc so we have to specifically exclude it here. 0.4.1
Mon, 12 Nov 2012 02:59:56 -0600 Rob Landley Yet another attempt to get the fiddly patch file creation logic right.
Sat, 10 Nov 2012 18:24:14 -0600 Rob Landley On 32 bit platforms %ld doesn't match uint64_t, so do long long and %lld (rather than deal with verbose PRIu64 nonsense).
Sat, 10 Nov 2012 14:34:01 -0600 Rob Landley Fix reversed test: patch creates a file if /dev/null or dated the epoch _and_ first hunk being replaced is 0 lines at start of file, not one or the other.
Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:03:03 -0600 Rob Landley Change df percentage calculation to match posix, spotted by Roy Tam.
Thu, 08 Nov 2012 11:19:07 -0600 Felix Janda wc -m only cares about counting characters. Attached is a try on implementing it and some test cases for it. The test cases are only for UTF-8 locales.
Sat, 03 Nov 2012 19:21:59 -0500 Rob Landley Make sha1sum and md5sum default to y.