view toys/pending/test.c @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents 9927d1d1e7e2
line wrap: on
line source

/* test.c - evaluate expression
 * Copyright 2013 Rob Landley <>
 * See


config TEST
  bool "test"
  default n
    usage: test [-bcdefghLPrSsuwx PATH] [-nz STRING] [-t FD] [X ?? Y]

    Return true or false by performing tests. (With no arguments return false.)

    --- Tests with a single argument (after the option):
    PATH is/has:
      -b  block device   -f  regular file   -p  fifo           -u  setuid bit
      -c  char device    -g  setgid         -r  read bit       -w  write bit
      -d  directory      -h  symlink        -S  socket         -x  execute bit
      -e  exists         -L  symlink        -s  nonzero size
    STRING is:
      -n  nonzero size   -z  zero size      (STRING by itself implies -n)
    FD (integer file descriptor) is:
      -t  a TTY

    --- Tests with one argument on each side of an operator:
    Two strings:
      =  are identical	 !=  differ
    Two integers:
      -eq  equal         -gt  first > second    -lt  first < second
      -ne  not equal     -ge  first >= second   -le  first <= second

    --- Modify or combine tests:
      ! EXPR     not (swap true/false)   EXPR -a EXPR    and (are both true)
      ( EXPR )   evaluate this first     EXPR -o EXPR    or (is either true)

#include "toys.h"

void test_main(void)
  int id, not;
  char *s, *err_fmt = "Bad flag '%s'";

  toys.exitval = 2;
  if (!strcmp("[", toys.which->name))
    if (!strcmp("]", toys.optargs[--toys.optc])) error_exit("Missing ']'");
  if (!strcmp("!", toys.optargs[0])) {
    not = 1;
  if (!toys.optc) toys.exitval = 0;
  else if (toys.optargs[0][0] == '-') {
    id = stridx("bcdefghLpSsurwxznt", toys.optargs[0][1]);
    if (id == -1 || toys.optargs[0][2]) error_exit(err_fmt, toys.optargs[0]);
    if (id < 12) {
      struct stat st;
      int nolink;

      toys.exitval = 1;
      if (lstat(toys.optargs[1], &st) == -1) return;
      nolink = !S_ISLNK(st.st_mode);
      if (!nolink && (stat(toys.optargs[1], &st) == -1)) return;

      if (id == 0) toys.exitval = !S_ISBLK(st.st_mode); // b
      else if (id == 1) toys.exitval = !S_ISCHR(st.st_mode); // c
      else if (id == 2) toys.exitval = !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); // d
      else if (id == 3) toys.exitval = 0; // e
      else if (id == 4) toys.exitval = !S_ISREG(st.st_mode); // f
      else if (id == 5) toys.exitval = !(st.st_mode & S_ISGID); // g
      else if ((id == 6) || (id == 7)) toys.exitval = nolink; // hL
      else if (id == 8) toys.exitval = !S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode); // p
      else if (id == 9) toys.exitval = !S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode); // S
      else if (id == 10) toys.exitval = st.st_size == 0; // s
      else toys.exitval = !(st.st_mode & S_ISUID); // u
    else if (id < 15) // rwx
      toys.exitval = access(toys.optargs[1], 1 << (id - 12)) == -1;
    else if (id < 17) // zn
      toys.exitval = toys.optargs[1] && !*toys.optargs[1] ^ (id - 15);
    else { // t
      struct termios termios;
      toys.exitval = tcgetattr(atoi(toys.optargs[1]), &termios) == -1;
  else if (toys.optc == 1) toys.exitval = *toys.optargs[0] == 0;
  else if (toys.optc == 3) {
    if (*toys.optargs[1] == '-') {
      long a = atol(toys.optargs[0]), b = atol(toys.optargs[2]);
      s = toys.optargs[1] + 1;
      if (!strcmp("eq", s)) toys.exitval = a != b;
      else if (!strcmp("ne", s)) toys.exitval = a == b;
      else if (!strcmp("gt", s)) toys.exitval = a < b;
      else if (!strcmp("ge", s)) toys.exitval = a <= b;
      else if (!strcmp("lt", s)) toys.exitval = a > b;
      else if (!strcmp("le", s)) toys.exitval = a >= b;
      else error_exit(err_fmt, toys.optargs[1]);
    else {
      int result = strcmp(toys.optargs[0], toys.optargs[2]);

      s = toys.optargs[1];
      if (!strcmp("=", s)) toys.exitval = !!result;
      else if (!strcmp("!=", s)) toys.exitval = !result;
      else error_exit(err_fmt, toys.optargs[1]);
  toys.exitval ^= not;