view toys/pending/mdev.c @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents 63db77909fc8
children da1296acc73e
line wrap: on
line source

/* mdev.c - Populate /dev directory and handle hotplug events
 * Copyright 2005, 2008 Rob Landley <>
 * Copyright 2005 Frank Sorenson <>


config MDEV
  bool "mdev"
  default n
    usage: mdev [-s]

    Create devices in /dev using information from /sys.

    -s	Scan all entries in /sys to populate /dev.

config MDEV_CONF
  bool "Configuration file for mdev"
  default y
  depends on MDEV
    The mdev config file (/etc/mdev.conf) contains lines that look like:
    hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660

    Each line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first
    field is a regular expression matching one or more device names, and
    the second and third fields are uid:gid and file permissions for
    matching devies.

#include "toys.h"

// todo, open() block devices to trigger partition scanning.

// mknod in /dev based on a path like "/sys/block/hda/hda1"
static void make_device(char *path)
  char *device_name, *s, *temp;
  int major, minor, type, len, fd;
  int mode = 0660;
  uid_t uid = 0;
  gid_t gid = 0;

  // Try to read major/minor string

  temp = strrchr(path, '/');
  fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
  temp = toybuf;
  len = read(fd, temp, 64);
  if (len<1) return;
  temp[len] = 0;

  // Determine device name, type, major and minor

  device_name = strrchr(path, '/') + 1;
  type = path[5]=='c' ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK;
  major = minor = 0;
  sscanf(temp, "%u:%u", &major, &minor);

  // If we have a config file, look up permissions for this device

  if (CFG_MDEV_CONF) {
    char *conf, *pos, *end;

    // mmap the config file
    if (-1!=(fd = open("/etc/mdev.conf", O_RDONLY))) {
      len = fdlength(fd);
      conf = mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
      if (conf) {
        int line = 0;

        // Loop through lines in mmaped file
        for (pos = conf; pos-conf<len;) {
          int field;
          char *end2;

          // find end of this line
          for(end = pos; end-conf<len && *end!='\n'; end++);

          // Three fields: regex, uid:gid, mode
          for (field = 3; field; field--) {
            // Skip whitespace
            while (pos<end && isspace(*pos)) pos++;
            if (pos==end || *pos=='#') break;
            for (end2 = pos;
              end2<end && !isspace(*end2) && *end2!='#'; end2++);
            switch(field) {
              // Regex to match this device
              case 3:
                char *regex = strndup(pos, end2-pos);
                regex_t match;
                regmatch_t off;
                int result;

                // Is this it?
                xregcomp(&match, regex, REG_EXTENDED);
                result=regexec(&match, device_name, 1, &off, 0);

                // If not this device, skip rest of line
                if (result || off.rm_so
                  || off.rm_eo!=strlen(device_name))
                    goto end_line;

              // uid:gid
              case 2:
                char *s2;

                // Find :
                for(s = pos; s<end2 && *s!=':'; s++);
                if (s==end2) goto end_line;

                // Parse UID
                uid = strtoul(pos,&s2,10);
                if (s!=s2) {
                  struct passwd *pass;
                  char *str = strndup(pos, s-pos);
                  pass = getpwnam(str);
                  if (!pass) goto end_line;
                  uid = pass->pw_uid;
                // parse GID
                gid = strtoul(s,&s2,10);
                if (end2!=s2) {
                  struct group *grp;
                  char *str = strndup(s, end2-s);
                  grp = getgrnam(str);
                  if (!grp) goto end_line;
                  gid = grp->gr_gid;
              // mode
              case 1:
                mode = strtoul(pos, &pos, 8);
                if (pos!=end2) goto end_line;
                goto found_device;
          // Did everything parse happily?
          if (field && field!=3) error_exit("Bad line %d", line);

          // Next line
          pos = ++end;
        munmap(conf, len);

  sprintf(temp, "/dev/%s", device_name);
  if (mknod(temp, mode | type, makedev(major, minor)) && errno != EEXIST)
    perror_exit("mknod %s failed", temp);

  if (CFG_MDEV_CONF) mode=chown(temp, uid, gid);

static int callback(struct dirtree *node)
  // Entries in /sys/class/block aren't char devices, so skip 'em.  (We'll
  // get block devices out of /sys/block.)
  if(!strcmp(node->name, "block")) return 0;

  // Does this directory have a "dev" entry in it?
  // This is path based because the hotplug callbacks are
  if (S_ISDIR(node->st.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(node->st.st_mode)) {
    int len=4;
    char *dev = dirtree_path(node, &len);
    strcpy(dev+len, "/dev");
    if (!access(dev, R_OK)) make_device(dev);

  // Circa 2.6.25 the entries more than 2 deep are all either redundant
  // (mouse#, event#) or unnamed (every usb_* entry is called "device").

  return (node->parent && node->parent->parent) ? 0 : DIRTREE_RECURSE;

void mdev_main(void)
  // Handle -s

  if (toys.optflags) {
    dirtree_read("/sys/class", callback);
    dirtree_read("/sys/block", callback);

  // hotplug support goes here