view toys/pending/dhcpd.c @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents 6a06541c090c
children f2cac60ab2d3
line wrap: on
line source

/* dhcpd.c - DHCP server for dynamic network configuration.
 * Copyright 2013 Madhur Verma <>
 * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <>
 * No Standard

config DHCPD
  bool "dhcpd"
  default n
   usage: dhcpd [-fS] [-P N] [CONFFILE]

    -f    Run in foreground
    -S    Log to syslog too
    -P N  Use port N (default 67)

  bool "debugging messeges ON/OFF"
  default n
  depends on DHCPD

#define FOR_dhcpd

#include "toys.h"
#include <linux/sockios.h> 
#include <linux/if_ether.h>

// Todo: headers not in posix
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>
#include <netpacket/packet.h>

# define dbg(fmt, arg...)   printf(fmt, ##arg)
# define dbg(fmt, arg...)

#define flag_get(f,v,d)     ((toys.optflags & (f)) ? (v) : (d))
#define flag_chk(f)         ((toys.optflags & (f)) ? 1 : 0)

#define LOG_SILENT          0x0
#define LOG_CONSOLE         0x1
#define LOG_SYSTEM          0x2

#define DHCP_MAGIC          0x63825363

#define DHCPDISCOVER        1
#define DHCPOFFER           2
#define DHCPREQUEST         3
#define DHCPDECLINE         4
#define DHCPACK             5
#define DHCPNAK             6
#define DHCPRELEASE         7
#define DHCPINFORM          8

#define DHCP_NUM8           (1<<8)
#define DHCP_NUM16          (1<<9)
#define DHCP_NUM32          DHCP_NUM16 | DHCP_NUM8
#define DHCP_STRING         (1<<10)
#define DHCP_STRLST         (1<<11)
#define DHCP_IP             (1<<12)
#define DHCP_IPLIST         (1<<13)
#define DHCP_IPPLST         (1<<14)
#define DHCP_STCRTS         (1<<15)

// DHCP option codes (partial list). See RFC 2132 and
#define DHCP_OPT_PADDING                          0x00
#define DHCP_OPT_HOST_NAME          DHCP_STRING | 0x0c // either client informs server or server gives name to client
#define DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP       DHCP_IP     | 0x32 // sent by client if specific IP is wanted
#define DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME         DHCP_NUM32  | 0x33
#define DHCP_OPT_OPTION_OVERLOAD                  0x34
#define DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE       DHCP_NUM8   | 0x35
#define DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID          DHCP_IP     | 0x36 // by default server's IP
#define DHCP_OPT_PARAM_REQ          DHCP_STRING | 0x37 // list of options client wants
#define DHCP_OPT_END                              0xff

    long port;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) dhcp_msg_s {
  uint8_t op;
  uint8_t htype;
  uint8_t hlen;
  uint8_t hops;
  uint32_t xid;
  uint16_t secs;
  uint16_t flags;
  uint32_t ciaddr;
  uint32_t yiaddr;
  uint32_t nsiaddr;
  uint32_t ngiaddr;
  uint8_t chaddr[16];
  uint8_t sname[64];
  uint8_t file[128];
  uint32_t cookie;
  uint8_t options[308];
} dhcp_msg_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) dhcp_raw_s {
  struct iphdr iph;
  struct udphdr udph;
  dhcp_msg_t dhcp;
} dhcp_raw_t;

typedef struct static_lease_s {
  struct static_lease_s *next;
  uint32_t nip;
  int mac[6];
} static_lease;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t expires;
  uint32_t lease_nip;
  uint8_t lease_mac[6];
  char hostname[20];
  uint8_t pad[2];
} dyn_lease;

typedef struct option_val_s {
  char *key;
  uint16_t code;
  void *val;
  size_t len;
} option_val_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((__may_alias__)) server_config_s {
  char *interface;                // interface to use
  int ifindex;
  uint32_t server_nip;
  uint32_t port;
  uint8_t server_mac[6];          // our MAC address (used only for ARP probing)
  void *options[256];             // list of DHCP options loaded from the config file
  /* start,end are in host order: we need to compare start <= ip <= end*/
  uint32_t start_ip;              // start address of leases, in host order
  uint32_t end_ip;                // end of leases, in host order
  uint32_t max_lease_sec;         // maximum lease time (host order)
  uint32_t min_lease_sec;         // minimum lease time a client can request
  uint32_t max_leases;            // maximum number of leases (including reserved addresses)
  uint32_t auto_time;             // how long should dhcpd wait before writing a config file.
                                  // if this is zero, it will only write one on SIGUSR1
  uint32_t decline_time;          // how long an address is reserved if a client returns a
                                  // decline message
  uint32_t conflict_time;         // how long an arp conflict offender is leased for
  uint32_t offer_time;            // how long an offered address is reserved
  uint32_t siaddr_nip;            // "next server" bootp option
  char *lease_file;
  char *pidfile;
  char *notify_file;              // what to run whenever leases are written
  char *sname;                    // bootp server name
  char *boot_file;                // bootp boot file option
  struct static_lease *static_leases; // List of ip/mac pairs to assign static leases
} server_config_t;

typedef struct __attribute__((__may_alias__)) server_state_s {
  uint8_t rqcode;
  int listensock;
  dhcp_msg_t rcvd_pkt;
  uint8_t* rqopt;
  dhcp_msg_t send_pkt;
  static_lease *sleases;
  struct arg_list *dleases;
} server_state_t;

struct config_keyword {
  char *keyword;
  int (*handler)(const char *str, void *var);
  void *var;
  char *def;

static option_val_t options_list[] = {
    {"lease"          , DHCP_NUM32  | 0x33, NULL, 0},
    {"subnet"         , DHCP_IP     | 0x01, NULL, 0},
    {"broadcast"      , DHCP_IP     | 0x1c, NULL, 0},
    {"router"         , DHCP_IP     | 0x03, NULL, 0},
    {"ipttl"          , DHCP_NUM8   | 0x17, NULL, 0},
    {"mtu"            , DHCP_NUM16  | 0x1a, NULL, 0},
    {"hostname"       , DHCP_STRING | 0x0c, NULL, 0},
    {"domain"         , DHCP_STRING | 0x0f, NULL, 0},
    {"search"         , DHCP_STRLST | 0x77, NULL, 0},
    {"nisdomain"      , DHCP_STRING | 0x28, NULL, 0},
    {"timezone"       , DHCP_NUM32  | 0x02, NULL, 0},
    {"tftp"           , DHCP_STRING | 0x42, NULL, 0},
    {"bootfile"       , DHCP_STRING | 0x43, NULL, 0},
    {"bootsize"       , DHCP_NUM16  | 0x0d, NULL, 0},
    {"rootpath"       , DHCP_STRING | 0x11, NULL, 0},
    {"wpad"           , DHCP_STRING | 0xfc, NULL, 0},
    {"serverid"       , DHCP_IP     | 0x36, NULL, 0},
    {"message"        , DHCP_STRING | 0x38, NULL, 0},
    {"vlanid"         , DHCP_NUM32  | 0x84, NULL, 0},
    {"vlanpriority"   , DHCP_NUM32  | 0x85, NULL, 0},
    {"dns"            , DHCP_IPLIST | 0x06, NULL, 0},
    {"wins"           , DHCP_IPLIST | 0x2c, NULL, 0},
    {"nissrv"         , DHCP_IPLIST | 0x29, NULL, 0},
    {"ntpsrv"         , DHCP_IPLIST | 0x2a, NULL, 0},
    {"lprsrv"         , DHCP_IPLIST | 0x09, NULL, 0},
    {"swapsrv"        , DHCP_IP     | 0x10, NULL, 0},
    {"routes"         , DHCP_STCRTS | 0x21, NULL, 0},
    {"staticroutes"   , DHCP_STCRTS | 0x79, NULL, 0},
    {"msstaticroutes" , DHCP_STCRTS | 0xf9, NULL, 0},

struct fd_pair { int rd; int wr; };
static server_config_t gconfig;
static server_state_t gstate;
static uint8_t infomode;
static struct fd_pair sigfd;
static int constone = 1;

// calculate options size.
static int dhcp_opt_size(uint8_t *optionptr)
  int i = 0;
  for(;optionptr[i] != 0xff; i++) if(optionptr[i] != 0x00) i += optionptr[i + 1] + 2 -1;
  return i;

// calculates checksum for dhcp messeges.
static uint16_t dhcp_checksum(void *addr, int count)
  int32_t sum = 0;
  uint16_t tmp = 0, *source = (uint16_t *)addr;

  while (count > 1)  {
    sum += *source++;
    count -= 2;
  if (count > 0) {
    *(uint8_t*)&tmp = *(uint8_t*)source;
    sum += tmp;
  while (sum >> 16) sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
  return ~sum;

// gets information of INTERFACE and updates IFINDEX, MAC and IP
static int get_interface(const char *interface, int *ifindex, uint32_t *oip, uint8_t *mac)
  struct ifreq req;
  struct sockaddr_in *ip;
  int fd = xsocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);

  req.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
  strncpy(req.ifr_name, interface, IFNAMSIZ);
  req.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = '\0';

  xioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &req);
  if (!(req.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) return -1;
  if (oip) {
    xioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &req);
    ip = (struct sockaddr_in*) &req.ifr_addr;
    dbg("IP %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->sin_addr));
    *oip = ntohl(ip->sin_addr.s_addr);
  if (ifindex) {
    xioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &req);
    dbg("Adapter index %d\n", req.ifr_ifindex);
    *ifindex = req.ifr_ifindex;
  if (mac) {
    xioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &req);
    memcpy(mac, req.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
    dbg("MAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  return 0;

 *logs messeges to syslog or console
 *opening the log is still left with applet.
 *FIXME: move to more relevent lib. probably libc.c
static void infomsg(uint8_t infomode, char *s, ...)
  int used;
  char *msg;
  va_list p, t;

  if (infomode == LOG_SILENT) return;
  va_start(p, s);
  va_copy(t, p);
  used = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, s, t);

  msg = xmalloc(used);
  vsnprintf(msg, used, s, p);

  if (infomode & LOG_SYSTEM) syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", msg);
  if (infomode & LOG_CONSOLE) printf("%s\n", msg);

 * Writes self PID in file PATH
 * FIXME: libc implementation only writes in /var/run
 * this is more generic as some implemenation may provide
 * arguments to write in specific file. as dhcpd does.
static void write_pid(char *path)
  int pidfile = open(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666);
  if (pidfile > 0) {
    char pidbuf[12];

    sprintf(pidbuf, "%u", (unsigned)getpid());
    write(pidfile, pidbuf, strlen(pidbuf));

// Generic signal handler real handling is done in main funcrion.
static void signal_handler(int sig)
  unsigned char ch = sig;
  if (write(sigfd.wr, &ch, 1) != 1) dbg("can't send signal\n");

// signal setup for SIGUSR1 SIGTERM
static int setup_signal()
  if (pipe((int *)&sigfd) < 0) {
    dbg("signal pipe failed\n");
    return -1;
  fcntl(sigfd.wr , F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
  fcntl(sigfd.rd , F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
  int flags = fcntl(sigfd.wr, F_GETFL);
  fcntl(sigfd.wr, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
  signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler);
  signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
  return 0;

// String STR to UINT32 conversion strored in VAR
static int strtou32(const char *str, void *var)
  char *endptr = NULL;
  int base = 10;
  *((uint32_t*)(var)) = 0;
  if (str[0]=='0' && (str[1]=='x' || str[1]=='X')) {
    base = 16;
  long ret_val = strtol(str, &endptr, base);
  if (errno) infomsg(infomode, "config : Invalid num %s",str);
  else if (endptr && (*endptr!='\0'||endptr == str))
      infomsg(infomode, "config : Not a valid num %s",str);
  else *((uint32_t*)(var)) = (uint32_t)ret_val;
  return 0;

// copy string STR in variable VAR
static int strinvar(const char *str, void *var)
  char **dest = var;
  if (*dest) free(*dest);
  *dest = strdup(str);
  return 0;

// IP String STR to binary data.
static int striptovar(const char *str, void *var)
  in_addr_t addr;
  *((uint32_t*)(var)) = 0;
  if(!str) {
    error_msg("config : NULL address string \n");
    return -1;
  if((addr = inet_addr(str)) == -1) {
    error_msg("config : wrong address %s \n",str );
    return -1;
  *((uint32_t*)(var)) = (uint32_t)addr;
  return 0;

// String to dhcp option conversion
static int strtoopt(const char *str, void *var)
  char *option, *valstr, *grp, *tp;
  uint32_t optcode = 0, inf = infomode, convtmp, mask, nip, router;
  uint16_t flag = 0;
  int count, size = ARRAY_LEN(options_list);

  if (!*str) return 0;
  if (!(option = strtok((char*)str, " \t="))) return -1;

  infomode = LOG_SILENT;
  strtou32(option, (uint32_t*)&optcode);
  infomode = inf;

  if (optcode > 0 && optcode < 256) { // raw option
    for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
      if ((options_list[count].code & 0X00FF) == optcode) {
        flag = (options_list[count].code & 0XFF00);
  } else { //string option
    for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
      if (!strncmp(options_list[count].key, option, strlen(options_list[count].key))) {
        flag = (options_list[count].code & 0XFF00);
        optcode = (options_list[count].code & 0X00FF);
  if (count == size) {
    infomsg(inf, "config : Obsolete OR Unknown Option : %s", option);
    return -1;

  if (!flag || !optcode) return -1;

  if (!(valstr = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) {
    dbg("config : option %s has no value defined.\n", option);
    return -1;
  dbg(" value : %-20s : ", valstr);
  switch (flag) {
  case DHCP_NUM32:
    options_list[count].len = sizeof(uint32_t);
    options_list[count].val = xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
    strtou32(valstr, &convtmp);
    memcpy(options_list[count].val, &convtmp, sizeof(uint32_t));
  case DHCP_NUM16:
    options_list[count].len = sizeof(uint16_t);
    options_list[count].val = xmalloc(sizeof(uint16_t));
    strtou32(valstr, &convtmp);
    memcpy(options_list[count].val, &convtmp, sizeof(uint16_t));
  case DHCP_NUM8:
    options_list[count].len = sizeof(uint8_t);
    options_list[count].val = xmalloc(sizeof(uint8_t));
    strtou32(valstr, &convtmp);
    memcpy(options_list[count].val, &convtmp, sizeof(uint8_t));
  case DHCP_IP:
    options_list[count].len = sizeof(uint32_t);
    options_list[count].val = xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
    striptovar(valstr, options_list[count].val);
    options_list[count].len = strlen(valstr);
    options_list[count].val = strdup(valstr);
      options_list[count].val = xrealloc(options_list[count].val, options_list[count].len + sizeof(uint32_t));
      striptovar(valstr, ((uint8_t*)options_list[count].val)+options_list[count].len);
      options_list[count].len += sizeof(uint32_t);
      valstr = strtok(NULL," \t");
    /* Option binary format:
     * mask [one byte, 0..32]
     * ip [0..4 bytes depending on mask]
     * router [4 bytes]
     * may be repeated
     * staticroutes,
    grp = strtok(valstr, ",");;
      while(*grp == ' ' || *grp == '\t') grp++;
      tp = strchr(grp, '/');
      if (!tp) error_exit("wrong formated static route option");
      *tp = '\0';
      mask = strtol(++tp, &tp, 10);
      if (striptovar(grp, (uint8_t*)&nip)<0) error_exit("wrong formated static route option");
      while(*tp == ' ' || *tp == '\t' || *tp == '-') tp++;
      if (striptovar(tp, (uint8_t*)&router)<0) error_exit("wrong formated static route option");
      options_list[count].val = xrealloc(options_list[count].val, options_list[count].len + 1 + mask/8 + 4);
      memcpy(((uint8_t*)options_list[count].val)+options_list[count].len, &mask, 1);
      options_list[count].len += 1;
      memcpy(((uint8_t*)options_list[count].val)+options_list[count].len, &nip, mask/8);
      options_list[count].len += mask/8;
      memcpy(((uint8_t*)options_list[count].val)+options_list[count].len, &router, 4);
      options_list[count].len += 4;
      tp = NULL;
      grp = strtok(NULL, ",");
  return 0;

// Reads Static leases from STR and updates inner structures.
static int get_staticlease(const char *str, void *var)
  struct static_lease_s *sltmp;
  char *tkmac, *tkip;
  int count;

  if (!*str) return 0;

  if (!(tkmac = strtok((char*)str, " \t"))) {
    infomsg(infomode, "config : static lease : mac not found");
    return 0;
  if (!(tkip = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) {
    infomsg(infomode, "config : static lease : no ip bind to mac %s", tkmac);
    return 0;
  sltmp = xzalloc(sizeof(struct static_lease_s));
  for (count = 0; count < 6; count++, tkmac++) {
    errno = 0;
    sltmp->mac[count] = strtol(tkmac, &tkmac, 16);
    if (sltmp->mac[count]>255 || sltmp->mac[count]<0 || (*tkmac && *tkmac!=':') || errno) {
      infomsg(infomode, "config : static lease : mac address wrong format");
      return 0;
  striptovar(tkip, &sltmp->nip);
  sltmp->next = gstate.sleases;
  gstate.sleases = sltmp;

  return 0;

static struct config_keyword keywords[] = {
// keyword          handler           variable address                default 
  {"start"        , striptovar      , (void*)&gconfig.start_ip     , ""},
  {"end"          , striptovar      , (void*)&gconfig.end_ip       , ""},
  {"interface"    , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.interface    , "eth0"},
  {"port"         , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.port         , "67"},
  {"min_lease"    , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.min_lease_sec, "60"},
  {"max_leases"   , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.max_leases   , "235"},
  {"auto_time"    , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.auto_time    , "7200"},
  {"decline_time" , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.decline_time , "3600"},
  {"conflict_time", strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.conflict_time, "3600"},
  {"offer_time"   , strtou32        , (void*)&gconfig.offer_time   , "60"},
  {"lease_file"   , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.lease_file   , "/var/lib/misc/dhcpd.leases"}, //LEASES_FILE
  {"pidfile"      , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.pidfile      , "/var/run/"}, //DPID_FILE
  {"siaddr"       , striptovar      , (void*)&gconfig.siaddr_nip   , ""},
  {"option"       , strtoopt        , (void*)&gconfig.options      , ""},
  {"opt"          , strtoopt        , (void*)&gconfig.options      , ""},
  {"notify_file"  , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.notify_file  , ""},
  {"sname"        , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.sname        , ""},
  {"boot_file"    , strinvar        , (void*)&gconfig.boot_file    , ""},
  {"static_lease" , get_staticlease , (void*)&gconfig.static_leases, ""},

// Parses the server config file and updates the global server config accordingly.
static int parse_server_config(char *config_file, struct config_keyword *confkey)
  FILE *fs = NULL;
  char *confline_temp = NULL,*confline = NULL, *tk = NULL, *tokens[2] = {NULL, NULL};
  int len, linelen, tcount, count, size = ARRAY_LEN(keywords);

  for (count = 0; count < size; count++)
    if (confkey[count].handler) confkey[count].handler(confkey[count].def, confkey[count].var);

  if (!(fs = fopen(config_file, "r"))) perror_msg("%s", config_file);
  for (len = 0, linelen = 0; fs;) {
    len = getline(&confline_temp, (size_t*) &linelen, fs);
    confline = confline_temp;
    if (len <= 0) break;
    for (; *confline == ' '; confline++, len--);
    if ((confline[0] == '#') || (confline[0] == '\n')) goto free_conf_continue;
    tk = strchr(confline, '#');
    if (tk) {
      for (; *(tk-1)==' ' || *(tk-1)=='\t'; tk--);
      *tk = '\0';
    tk = strchr(confline, '\n');
    if (tk) {
      for (; *(tk-1)==' ' || *(tk-1)=='\t'; tk--);
      *tk = '\0';
    for (tcount=0, tk=strtok(confline, " \t"); tk && (tcount < 2);
        tcount++, tk=strtok(NULL,(tcount==1)?"":" \t")) {
      while ((*tk == '\t') || (*tk == ' ')) tk++;
      tokens[tcount] = xstrdup(tk);
    if (tcount<=1) goto free_tk0_continue;
    for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
      if (!strcmp(confkey[count].keyword,tokens[0])) {
        dbg("got config : %15s : ", confkey[count].keyword);
        if (confkey[count].handler(tokens[1], confkey[count].var) == 0)
          dbg("%s \n", tokens[1]);
    if (tokens[1]) { free(tokens[1]); tokens[1] = NULL; }
    if (tokens[0]) { free(tokens[0]); tokens[0] = NULL; }
    confline_temp = NULL;
  if (fs) fclose(fs);
  return 0;

// opens UDP socket for listen
static int open_listensock(void)
  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  struct ifreq ifr;

  if (gstate.listensock > 0) close(gstate.listensock);

  dbg("Opening listen socket on *:%d %s\n", gconfig.port, gconfig.interface);
  gstate.listensock = xsocket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
  setsockopt(gstate.listensock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &constone, sizeof(constone));
  if (setsockopt(gstate.listensock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &constone, sizeof(constone)) == -1) {
      dbg("OPEN : brodcast ioctl failed.\n");
      return -1;
  memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
  strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, gconfig.interface, IFNAMSIZ);
  ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ -1] = '\0';
  setsockopt(gstate.listensock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, &ifr, sizeof(ifr));

  memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port = (flag_chk(FLAG_P))?htons(TT.port):htons(67); //SERVER_PORT
  addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ;

  if (bind(gstate.listensock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
    perror_exit("bind failed");
  dbg("OPEN : success\n");
  return 0;

// Sends data through raw socket.
static int send_packet(uint8_t broadcast)
  struct sockaddr_ll dest_sll;
  dhcp_raw_t packet;
  unsigned padding;
  int fd, result = -1;
  uint8_t bmacaddr[6] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};

  memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(dhcp_raw_t));
  memcpy(&packet.dhcp, &gstate.send_pkt, sizeof(dhcp_msg_t));

  if ((fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETH_P_IP))) < 0) {
    dbg("SEND : socket failed\n");
    return -1;
  memset(&dest_sll, 0, sizeof(dest_sll));
  dest_sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
  dest_sll.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP);
  dest_sll.sll_ifindex = gconfig.ifindex;
  dest_sll.sll_halen = 6;
  memcpy(dest_sll.sll_addr, (broadcast)?bmacaddr:gstate.rcvd_pkt.chaddr , 6);

  if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &dest_sll, sizeof(dest_sll)) < 0) {
    dbg("SEND : bind failed\n");
    return -1;
  padding = 308 - 1 - dhcp_opt_size(gstate.send_pkt.options);
  packet.iph.protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
  packet.iph.saddr = gconfig.server_nip;
  packet.iph.daddr = (broadcast || (gstate.rcvd_pkt.ciaddr == 0))?INADDR_BROADCAST:gstate.rcvd_pkt.ciaddr;
  packet.udph.source = htons(67);//SERVER_PORT
  packet.udph.dest = htons(68); //CLIENT_PORT
  packet.udph.len = htons(sizeof(dhcp_raw_t) - sizeof(struct iphdr) - padding);
  packet.iph.tot_len = packet.udph.len;
  packet.udph.check = dhcp_checksum(&packet, sizeof(dhcp_raw_t) - padding);
  packet.iph.tot_len = htons(sizeof(dhcp_raw_t) - padding);
  packet.iph.ihl = sizeof(packet.iph) >> 2;
  packet.iph.version = IPVERSION;
  packet.iph.ttl = IPDEFTTL;
  packet.iph.check = dhcp_checksum(&packet.iph, sizeof(packet.iph));

  result = sendto(fd, &packet, sizeof(dhcp_raw_t) - padding, 0,
      (struct sockaddr *) &dest_sll, sizeof(dest_sll));

  dbg("sendto %d\n", result);
  if (result < 0) dbg("PACKET send error\n");
  return result;

// Reads from UDP socket
static int read_packet(void)
  int ret;

  memset(&gstate.rcvd_pkt, 0, sizeof(dhcp_msg_t));
  ret = read(gstate.listensock, &gstate.rcvd_pkt, sizeof(dhcp_msg_t));
  if (ret < 0) {
    dbg("Packet read error, ignoring. \n");
    return ret; // returns -1
  if (gstate.rcvd_pkt.cookie != htonl(DHCP_MAGIC)) {
    dbg("Packet with bad magic, ignoring. \n");
    return -2;
  if (gstate.rcvd_pkt.op != 1) { //BOOTPREQUEST
    dbg("Not a BOOT REQUEST ignoring. \n");
    return -2;
  if (gstate.rcvd_pkt.hlen != 6) {
    dbg("hlen != 6 ignoring. \n");
    return -2;
  dbg("Received a packet. Size : %d \n", ret);
  return ret;

// Preapres a dhcp packet with defaults and configs
static uint8_t* prepare_send_pkt(void)
  memset((void*)&gstate.send_pkt, 0, sizeof(gstate.send_pkt));
  gstate.send_pkt.op = 2; //BOOTPREPLY
  gstate.send_pkt.htype = 1;
  gstate.send_pkt.hlen = 6;
  gstate.send_pkt.xid = gstate.rcvd_pkt.xid;
  gstate.send_pkt.cookie = htonl(DHCP_MAGIC);
  gstate.send_pkt.nsiaddr = gconfig.server_nip;
  memcpy(gstate.send_pkt.chaddr, gstate.rcvd_pkt.chaddr, 16);
  gstate.send_pkt.options[0] = DHCP_OPT_END;
  return gstate.send_pkt.options;

// Sets a option value in dhcp packet's option field
static uint8_t* set_optval(uint8_t *optptr, uint16_t opt, void *var, size_t len)
  while (*optptr != DHCP_OPT_END) optptr++;
  *optptr++ = (uint8_t)(opt & 0x00FF);
  *optptr++ = (uint8_t) len;
  memcpy(optptr, var, len);
  optptr += len;
  *optptr = DHCP_OPT_END;
  return optptr;

// Gets a option value from dhcp packet's option field
static uint8_t* get_optval(uint8_t *optptr, uint16_t opt, void *var)
  size_t len;
  uint8_t overloaded = 0;

  while (1) {
    while (*optptr == DHCP_OPT_PADDING) optptr++;
    if ((*optptr & 0x00FF) == DHCP_OPT_END) break;
    if ((*optptr & 0x00FF) == DHCP_OPT_OPTION_OVERLOAD) {
      overloaded = optptr[2];
      optptr += optptr[1] + 2;
    len = optptr[1];
    if (*optptr == (opt & 0x00FF))
      switch (opt & 0xFF00) {
        case DHCP_NUM32: // FALLTHROUGH
        case DHCP_IP:
          memcpy(var, optptr+2, sizeof(uint32_t));
          optptr += len + 2;
          return optptr;
        case DHCP_NUM16:
          memcpy(var, optptr+2, sizeof(uint16_t));
          optptr += len + 2;
          return optptr;
        case DHCP_NUM8:
          memcpy(var, optptr+2, sizeof(uint8_t));
          optptr += len + 2;
          return optptr;
        case DHCP_STRING:
          var = xstrndup((char*) optptr, len);
          optptr += len + 2;
          return optptr;
    optptr += len + 2;
  if ((overloaded == 1) | (overloaded == 3)) get_optval((uint8_t*)&gstate.rcvd_pkt.file, opt, var);
  if ((overloaded == 2) | (overloaded == 3)) get_optval((uint8_t*)&gstate.rcvd_pkt.sname, opt, var);
  return optptr;

// Retrives Requested Parameter list from dhcp req packet.
static uint8_t get_reqparam(uint8_t **list)
  uint8_t len, *optptr;
  if(*list) free(*list);
  for (optptr = gstate.rcvd_pkt.options;
      *optptr && *optptr!=((DHCP_OPT_PARAM_REQ) & 0x00FF); optptr+=optptr[1]+2);
  len = *++optptr;
  *list = xzalloc(len+1);
  memcpy(*list, ++optptr, len);
  return len;

// Sets values of req param in dhcp offer packet.
static uint8_t* set_reqparam(uint8_t *optptr, uint8_t *list)
  uint8_t reqcode;
  int count, size = ARRAY_LEN(options_list);

  while (*list) {
    reqcode = *list++;
    for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
      if ((options_list[count].code & 0X00FF)==reqcode) {
        if (!(options_list[count].len) || !(options_list[count].val)) break;
        for (; *optptr && *optptr!=DHCP_OPT_END; optptr+=optptr[1]+2);
        *optptr++ = (uint8_t) (options_list[count].code & 0x00FF);
        *optptr++ = (uint8_t) options_list[count].len;
        memcpy(optptr, options_list[count].val, options_list[count].len);
        optptr += options_list[count].len;
        *optptr = DHCP_OPT_END;
  return optptr;

static void run_notify(char **argv)
  struct stat sts;
  volatile int error = 0;
  pid_t pid;

  if (stat(argv[0], &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT) {
    infomsg(infomode, "notify file: %s : not exist.", argv[0]);

  pid = vfork();
  if (pid < 0) {
    dbg("Fork failed.\n");
  if (!pid) {
    execvp(argv[0], argv);
    error = errno;
  if (error) {
    waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
    errno = error;
  dbg("script complete.\n");

static int write_leasefile(void)
  int fd;
  uint32_t curr, tmp_time;
  int64_t timestamp;
  struct arg_list *listdls = gstate.dleases;
  dyn_lease *dls;

  if ((fd = open(gconfig.lease_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) < 0) {
    perror_msg("can't open %s ", gconfig.lease_file);
    return fd;

  curr = timestamp = time(NULL);
  timestamp = SWAP_BE64(timestamp);
  writeall(fd, &timestamp, sizeof(timestamp));

  while (listdls) {
    dls = (dyn_lease*)listdls->arg;
    tmp_time = dls->expires;
    dls->expires -= curr;
    if ((int32_t) dls->expires < 0) goto skip;
    dls->expires = htonl(dls->expires);
    writeall(fd, dls, sizeof(dyn_lease));
    dls->expires = tmp_time;
    listdls = listdls->next;
  if (gconfig.notify_file) {
    char *argv[3];
    argv[0] = gconfig.notify_file;
    argv[1] = gconfig.lease_file;
    argv[2] = NULL;
  return 0;

// Update max lease time from options.
static void set_maxlease(void)
  int count, size = ARRAY_LEN(options_list);
  for (count = 0; count < size; count++)
    if (options_list[count].val && options_list[count].code == (DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME)) {
      gconfig.max_lease_sec = *((uint32_t*)options_list[count].val);
  if (!gconfig.max_lease_sec) gconfig.max_lease_sec = (60*60*24*10);// DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME;

// Returns lease time for client.
static uint32_t get_lease(uint32_t req_exp)
  uint32_t now = time(NULL);
  req_exp = req_exp - now;
  if ((req_exp <= 0) || (req_exp > gconfig.max_lease_sec))
    return gconfig.max_lease_sec;

  if (req_exp < gconfig.min_lease_sec)
    return gconfig.min_lease_sec;

  return req_exp;

// Verify ip NIP in current leases ( assigned or not)
static int verifyip_in_lease(uint32_t nip, uint8_t mac[6])
  static_lease *sls;
  struct arg_list *listdls;

  for (listdls = gstate.dleases; listdls; listdls = listdls->next) {
    if (((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->lease_nip == nip) {
      if (((int32_t)(((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->expires) - time(NULL)) < 0)
        return 0;
      return -1;
    if (!memcmp(((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->lease_mac, mac, 6)) return -1;
  for (sls = gstate.sleases; sls; sls = sls->next)
    if (sls->nip == nip) return -2;

  if ((ntohl(nip) < gconfig.start_ip) || (ntohl(nip) > gconfig.end_ip))
    return -3;

  return 0;

// add ip assigned_nip to dynamic lease.
static int addip_to_lease(uint32_t assigned_nip, uint8_t mac[6], uint32_t *req_exp, char *hostname, uint8_t update)
  dyn_lease *dls;
  struct arg_list *listdls = gstate.dleases;
  uint32_t now = time(NULL);

  while (listdls) {
    if (!memcmp(((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->lease_mac, mac, 6)) {
      if (update) *req_exp = get_lease(*req_exp + ((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->expires);
      ((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->expires = *req_exp + now;
      return 0;
    listdls = listdls->next;

  dls = xzalloc(sizeof(dyn_lease));
  memcpy(dls->lease_mac, mac, 6);
  dls->lease_nip = assigned_nip;
  if (hostname) memcpy(dls->hostname, hostname, 20);

  if (update) *req_exp = get_lease(*req_exp + now);
  dls->expires = *req_exp + now;

  listdls = xzalloc(sizeof(struct arg_list));
  listdls->next = gstate.dleases;
  listdls->arg = (char*)dls;
  gstate.dleases = listdls;

  return 0;

// delete ip assigned_nip from dynamic lease.
static int delip_from_lease(uint32_t assigned_nip, uint8_t mac[6], uint32_t del_time)
  struct arg_list *listdls = gstate.dleases;

  while (listdls) {
    if (!memcmp(((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->lease_mac, mac, 6)) {
      ((dyn_lease*) listdls->arg)->expires = del_time + time(NULL);
      return 0;
    listdls = listdls->next;
  return -1;

// returns a IP from static, dynamic leases or free ip pool, 0 otherwise.
static uint32_t getip_from_pool(uint32_t req_nip, uint8_t mac[6], uint32_t *req_exp, char *hostname)
  uint32_t nip = 0;
  static_lease *sls = gstate.sleases;
  struct arg_list *listdls = gstate.dleases, *tmp = NULL;

  if (req_nip && (!verifyip_in_lease(req_nip, mac))) nip = req_nip;

  if (!nip) {
    while (listdls) {
      if (!memcmp(((dyn_lease*)listdls->arg)->lease_mac, mac, 6)) {
        nip = ((dyn_lease*)listdls->arg)->lease_nip;
        if (tmp) tmp->next = listdls->next;
        else gstate.dleases = listdls->next;
        if (verifyip_in_lease(nip, mac) < 0) nip = 0;
      tmp = listdls;
      listdls = listdls->next;
  if (!nip) {
    while (sls) {
      if (memcmp(sls->mac, mac, 6) == 0) {
        nip = sls->nip;
      sls = sls->next;
  if (!nip) {
    for (nip = htonl(gconfig.start_ip); ntohl(nip) <= gconfig.end_ip; ) {
      if (!verifyip_in_lease(nip, mac)) break;
      nip = ntohl(nip);
      nip = htonl(++nip);
    if (ntohl(nip) > gconfig.end_ip) {
      nip = 0;
      infomsg(infomode, "can't find free IP in IP Pool.");
  if (nip) addip_to_lease(nip, mac, req_exp, hostname, 1);
  return nip;

static int read_leasefile(void)
  uint32_t passed, ip;
  int32_t tmp_time;
  int64_t timestamp;
  dyn_lease *dls;
  int ret = -1, fd = open(gconfig.lease_file, O_RDONLY);

  if (fd < 0) return fd;
  dls = xzalloc(sizeof(dyn_lease));

  if (read(fd, &timestamp, sizeof(timestamp)) != sizeof(timestamp)) goto error_exit;

  timestamp = SWAP_BE64(timestamp);
  passed = time(NULL) - timestamp;
  if ((uint64_t)passed > 12 * 60 * 60) goto error_exit;

  while (read(fd, dls, sizeof(dyn_lease)) == sizeof(dyn_lease)) {
    ip = ntohl(dls->lease_nip);
    if (ip >= gconfig.start_ip && ip <= gconfig.end_ip) {
      tmp_time = ntohl(dls->expires) - passed;
      if (tmp_time < 0) continue;
      addip_to_lease(dls->lease_nip, dls->lease_mac, (uint32_t*)&tmp_time, dls->hostname, 0);
  ret = 0;
  return ret;

void dhcpd_main(void)
  struct timeval tv;
  int retval;
  uint8_t *optptr, msgtype = 0;
  uint32_t waited = 0, serverid = 0, requested_nip = 0;
  uint32_t reqested_lease = 0, ip_pool_size = 0;
  char *hstname = NULL;
  fd_set rfds;

  infomode = LOG_CONSOLE;
  if (!(flag_chk(FLAG_f))) {
    infomode = LOG_SILENT;
  if (flag_chk(FLAG_S)) {
        openlog("UDHCPD :", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
        infomode |= LOG_SYSTEM;
  parse_server_config((toys.optc==1)?toys.optargs[0]:"/etc/dhcpd.conf", keywords); //DHCPD_CONF_FILE
  infomsg(infomode, "toybox dhcpd started");
  gconfig.start_ip = ntohl(gconfig.start_ip);
  gconfig.end_ip = ntohl(gconfig.end_ip);
  ip_pool_size = gconfig.end_ip - gconfig.start_ip + 1;
  if (gconfig.max_leases > ip_pool_size) {
    error_msg("max_leases=%u is too big, setting to %u", (unsigned) gconfig.max_leases, ip_pool_size);
    gconfig.max_leases = ip_pool_size;

  if (get_interface(gconfig.interface, &gconfig.ifindex, &gconfig.server_nip,
    perror_exit("Failed to get interface %s", gconfig.interface);
  gconfig.server_nip = htonl(gconfig.server_nip);

  fcntl(gstate.listensock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

  for (;;) {
    uint32_t timestmp = time(NULL);
    FD_SET(gstate.listensock, &rfds);
    FD_SET(sigfd.rd, &rfds);
    tv.tv_sec = gconfig.auto_time - waited;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;
    retval = 0;
    serverid = 0;
    msgtype = 0;

    int maxfd = (sigfd.rd > gstate.listensock)? sigfd.rd : gstate.listensock;
    dbg("select waiting ....\n");
    retval = select(maxfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, (gconfig.auto_time?&tv:NULL));
    if (retval < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR) {
        waited += (unsigned) time(NULL) - timestmp;
      dbg("Error in select wait again...\n");
    if (!retval) { // Timed out 
      dbg("select wait Timed Out...\n");
      waited = 0;
      if (get_interface(gconfig.interface, &gconfig.ifindex, &gconfig.server_nip, gconfig.server_mac)<0)
        perror_exit("Interface lost %s\n", gconfig.interface);
      gconfig.server_nip = htonl(gconfig.server_nip);
    if (FD_ISSET(sigfd.rd, &rfds)) { // Some Activity on RDFDs : is signal 
      unsigned char sig;
      if (read(sigfd.rd, &sig, 1) != 1) {
        dbg("signal read failed.\n");
      switch (sig) {
      case SIGUSR1:
        infomsg(infomode, "Received SIGUSR1");
      case SIGTERM:
        infomsg(infomode, "Received SIGTERM");
      default: break;
    if (FD_ISSET(gstate.listensock, &rfds)) { // Some Activity on RDFDs : is socket
      dbg("select listen sock read\n");
      if (read_packet() < 0) {
      waited += time(NULL) - timestmp;
      get_optval((uint8_t*)&gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE, &gstate.rqcode);
      if (gstate.rqcode == 0 || gstate.rqcode < DHCPDISCOVER 
          || gstate.rqcode > DHCPINFORM) {
        dbg("no or bad message type option, ignoring packet.\n");
      get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID, &serverid);
      if (serverid && (serverid != gconfig.server_nip)) {
        dbg("server ID doesn't match, ignoring packet.\n");
      switch (gstate.rqcode) {
        case DHCPDISCOVER:
          msgtype = DHCPOFFER;
          dbg("Message Type : DHCPDISCOVER\n");
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP, &requested_nip);
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_HOST_NAME, &hstname);
          reqested_lease = gconfig.offer_time;
          optptr = prepare_send_pkt();
          gstate.send_pkt.yiaddr = getip_from_pool(requested_nip, gstate.rcvd_pkt.chaddr, &reqested_lease, hstname);
            msgtype = DHCPNAK;
            optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE, &msgtype, 1);
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME, &reqested_lease);
          reqested_lease = htonl(get_lease(reqested_lease + time(NULL)));
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE, &msgtype, 1);
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID, &gconfig.server_nip, 4);
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME, &reqested_lease, 4);
          optptr = set_reqparam(optptr, gstate.rqopt);
        case DHCPREQUEST:
          msgtype = DHCPACK;
          dbg("Message Type : DHCPREQUEST\n");
          optptr = prepare_send_pkt();
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP, &requested_nip);
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME, &reqested_lease);
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_HOST_NAME, &hstname);
          gstate.send_pkt.yiaddr = getip_from_pool(requested_nip, gstate.rcvd_pkt.chaddr, &reqested_lease, hstname);
          if (!serverid) reqested_lease = gconfig.max_lease_sec;
          if (!gstate.send_pkt.yiaddr) {
            msgtype = DHCPNAK;
            optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE, &msgtype, 1);
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_MESSAGE_TYPE, &msgtype, 1);
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID, &gconfig.server_nip, 4);
          reqested_lease = htonl(reqested_lease);
          optptr = set_optval(optptr, DHCP_OPT_LEASE_TIME, &reqested_lease, 4);
        case DHCPRELEASE:
          dbg("Message Type : DHCPDECLINE or DHCPRELEASE \n");
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID, &serverid);
          if (serverid != gconfig.server_nip) break;
          get_optval((uint8_t*) &gstate.rcvd_pkt.options, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP, &requested_nip);
          delip_from_lease(requested_nip, gstate.rcvd_pkt.chaddr, (gstate.rqcode==DHCPRELEASE)?0:gconfig.decline_time);
          dbg("Message Type : %u\n", gstate.rqcode);