view toys/pending/README @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents f0c4b7476118
children 05c8de3f64fd
line wrap: on
line source


Commands in this directory are external submissions awaiting review and/or
cleanup before being "promoted" to one of the other directories.

Code in this directory may or may not work, some of the commands here are
unfinished stubs, others just need a more thorough inspection than we've had
time for yet. Everything in here defaults to "n" in defconfig.

Library code awaiting cleanup lives in lib/pending.c

The following commands predate the pending directory, and are awaiting
cleanup but don't live here:

  vmstat, login, du, vconfig, mountpoint, chroot, cut, touch,
  modinfo, expand, xargs
