view scripts/config2help.c @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents 2014f64a141b
line wrap: on
line source

#include "toys.h"

// Humor toys.h
struct toy_context toys;
char libbuf[4096], toybuf[4096];
void show_help(void) {;}
void toy_exec(char *argv[]) {;}

// Parse config files into data structures.

struct symbol {
  struct symbol *next;
  int enabled, help_indent;
  char *name, *depends;
  struct double_list *help;
} *sym;

char *trim(char *s)
  while (isspace(*s)) s++;

  return s;

char *keyword(char *name, char *line)
  int len = strlen(name);

  line = trim(line);
  if (strncmp(name, line, len)) return 0;
  line += len;
  if (*line && !isspace(*line)) return 0;
  line = trim(line);

  return line;

char *dlist_zap(struct double_list **help)
  struct double_list *dd = dlist_pop(help);
  char *s = dd->data;

  return s;

int zap_blank_lines(struct double_list **help)
  int got = 0;

  while (*help) {
    char *s;

    s = trim((*help)->data);

    if (*s) break;

  return got;

// Collect "-a blah" description lines following a blank line (or start).
// Returns array of removed lines with *len entries (0 for none).

// Moves *help to new start of text (in case dash lines were at beginning).
// Sets *from to where dash lines removed from (in case they weren't).
// Discards blank lines before and after dashlines.

// If no prefix, *help NULL. If no postfix, *from == *help
// if no dashlines returned *from == *help.

char **grab_dashlines(struct double_list **help, struct double_list **from,
                      int *len)
  struct double_list *dd;
  char *s, **list;
  int count = 0;

  *len = 0;
  *from = *help;

  // Find start of dash block. Must be at start or after blank line.
  for (;;) {
    s = trim((*from)->data);
    if (*s == '-' && s[1] != '-' && !count) break;

    if (!*s) count = 0;
    else count++;

    *from = (*from)->next;
    if (*from == *help) return 0;

  // If there was whitespace before this, zap it. This can't take out *help
  // because zap_blank_lines skipped blank lines, and we had to have at least
  // one non-blank line (a dash line) to get this far.
  while (!*trim((*from)->prev->data)) {
    *from = (*from)->prev;

  // Count number of dashlines, copy out to array, zap trailing whitespace
  // If *help was at start of dashblock, move it with *from
  count = 0;
  dd = *from;
  if (*help == *from) *help = 0;
  for (;;) {
   if (*trim(dd->data) != '-') break;
   if (*from == (dd = dd->next)) break;

  list = xmalloc(sizeof(char *)*count);
  *len = count;
  while (count) list[--count] = dlist_zap(from);

  return list;

void parse(char *filename)
  FILE *fp = xfopen(filename, "r");
  struct symbol *new = 0;

  for (;;) {
    char *s, *line = NULL;
    size_t len;

    // Read line, trim whitespace at right edge.
    if (getline(&line, &len, fp) < 1) break;
    s = line+strlen(line);
    while (--s >= line) {
      if (!isspace(*s)) break;
      *s = 0;

    // source or config keyword at left edge?
    if (*line && !isspace(*line)) {
      if ((s = keyword("config", line))) {
        new = xzalloc(sizeof(struct symbol));
        new->next = sym;
        new->name = s;
        sym = new;
      } else if ((s = keyword("source", line))) parse(s);

    if (!new) continue;

    if (sym && sym->help_indent) {
      dlist_add(&(new->help), line);
      if (sym->help_indent < 0) {
        sym->help_indent = 0;
        while (isspace(line[sym->help_indent])) sym->help_indent++;
    else if ((s = keyword("depends", line)) && (s = keyword("on", s)))
      new->depends = s;
    else if (keyword("help", line)) sym->help_indent = -1;


int charsort(void *a, void *b)
  char *aa = a, *bb = b;

  if (*aa < *bb) return -1;
  if (*aa > *bb) return 1;
  return 0;

int dashsort(char **a, char **b)
  char *aa = *a, *bb = *b;

  if (aa[1] < bb[1]) return -1;
  if (aa[1] > bb[1]) return 1;
  return 0;

int dashlinesort(char **a, char **b)
  return strcmp(*a, *b);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *fp;

  if (argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: config2help .config\n");

  // Read

  // read .config
  fp = xfopen(argv[2], "r");
  for (;;) {
    char *line = NULL;
    size_t len;

    if (getline(&line, &len, fp) < 1) break;
    if (!strncmp("CONFIG_", line, 7)) {
      struct symbol *try;
      char *s = line+7;

      for (try=sym; try; try=try->next) {
        len = strlen(try->name);
        if (!strncmp(try->name, s, len) && s[len]=='=' && s[len+1]=='y') {

  // Collate help according to usage, depends, and .config

  // Loop through each entry, finding duplicate enabled "usage:" names
  // This is in reverse order, so last entry gets collated with previous
  // entry until we run out of matching pairs.
  for (;;) {
    struct symbol *throw = 0, *catch;
    char *this, *that, *cusage, *tusage, *name;
    int len;

    // find a usage: name and collate all enabled entries with that name
    for (catch = sym; catch; catch = catch->next) {
      if (catch->enabled != 1) continue;
      if (catch->help && (that = keyword("usage:", catch->help->data))) {
        struct double_list *cfrom, *tfrom, *anchor;
        char *try, **cdashlines, **tdashlines;
        int clen, tlen;

        // Align usage: lines, finding a matching pair so we can suck help
        // text out of throw into catch, copying from this to that
        if (!throw) name = that;
        else if (strncmp(name, that, len) || !isspace(that[len])) continue;
        while (!isspace(*that) && *that) that++;
        if (!throw) len = that-name;
        that = trim(that);
        if (!throw) {
          throw = catch;
          this = that;


        // Grab option description lines to collate from catch and throw
        tusage = dlist_zap(&throw->help);
        tdashlines = grab_dashlines(&throw->help, &tfrom, &tlen);
        cusage = dlist_zap(&catch->help);
        cdashlines = grab_dashlines(&catch->help, &cfrom, &clen);
        anchor = catch->help;

        // If we've got both, collate and alphebetize
        if (cdashlines && tdashlines) {
          char **new = xmalloc(sizeof(char *)*(clen+tlen));

          memcpy(new, cdashlines, sizeof(char *)*clen);
          memcpy(new+clen, tdashlines, sizeof(char *)*tlen);
          qsort(new, clen+tlen, sizeof(char *), (void *)dashlinesort);
          cdashlines = new;

        // If just one, make sure it's in catch.
        } else if (tdashlines) cdashlines = tdashlines;

        // If throw had a prefix, insert it before dashlines, with a
        // blank line if catch had a prefix.
        if (tfrom && tfrom != throw->help) {
          if (throw->help || catch->help) dlist_add(&cfrom, strdup(""));
          else {
            dlist_add(&cfrom, 0);
            anchor = cfrom->prev;
          while (throw->help && throw->help != tfrom)
            dlist_add(&cfrom, dlist_zap(&throw->help));
          if (cfrom && cfrom->prev->data && *trim(cfrom->prev->data))
            dlist_add(&cfrom, strdup(""));
        if (!anchor) {
          dlist_add(&cfrom, 0);
          anchor = cfrom->prev;

        // Splice sorted lines back in place
        if (cdashlines) {
          tlen += clen;

          for (clen = 0; clen < tlen; clen++) 
            dlist_add(&cfrom, cdashlines[clen]);

        // If there were no dashlines, text would be considered prefix, so
        // the list is definitely no longer empty, so discard placeholder.
        if (!anchor->data) dlist_zap(&anchor);

        // zap whitespace at end of catch help text
        while (!*trim(anchor->prev->data)) {
          anchor = anchor->prev;

        // Append trailing lines.
        while (tfrom) dlist_add(&anchor, dlist_zap(&tfrom));

        // Collate first [-abc] option block in usage: lines
        try = 0;
        if (*this == '[' && this[1] == '-' && this[2] != '-' &&
            *that == '[' && that[1] == '-' && that[2] != '-')
          char *from = this+2, *to = that+2;
          int ff = strcspn(from, " ]"), tt = strcspn(to, " ]");

          if (from[ff] == ']' && to[tt] == ']') {
            try = xmprintf("[-%.*s%.*s] ", ff, from, tt, to);
            qsort(try+2, ff+tt, 1, (void *)charsort);
            this = trim(this+ff+3);
            that = trim(that+tt+3);

        // The list is definitely no longer empty, so discard placeholder.
        if (!anchor->data) dlist_zap(&anchor);

        // Add new collated line (and whitespace).
        dlist_add(&anchor, xmprintf("%*cusage: %.*s %s%s%s%s",
                  catch->help_indent, ' ', len, name, try ? try : "",
                  this, *this ? " " : "", that));
        dlist_add(&anchor, strdup(""));
        throw->enabled = 0;
        throw = catch;
        throw->help = anchor->prev->prev;

        throw = catch;
        this = throw->help->data + throw->help_indent + 8 + len;

    // Did we find one?

    if (!throw) break;

  // Print out help #defines
  while (sym) {
    struct double_list *dd;

    if (sym->help) {
      int i;
      char *s = xstrdup(sym->name);

      for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
      printf("#define help_%s \"", s);

      dd = sym->help;
      for (;;) {
        i = sym->help_indent;

        // Trim leading whitespace
        s = dd->data;
        while (isspace(*s) && i) {
        for (i=0; s[i]; i++) {
          if (s[i] == '"' || s[i] == '\\') putchar('\\');
        dd = dd->next;
        if (dd == sym->help) break;
    sym = sym->next;

  return 0;