view lib/password.c @ 1572:da1bf31ed322 draft

Tweak the "ignoring return value" fortify workaround for readlinkat. We zero the buffer and if the link read fails that's left alone, so it's ok for the symlink not to be there. Unfortunately, typecasting the return value to (void) doesn't shut up gcc, and having an if(); with the semicolon on the same line doesn't shut up llvm. (The semicolon on a new line would, but C does not have significant whitespace and I'm not going to humor llvm if it plans to start.) So far, empty curly brackets consistently get the warning to shut up.
author Rob Landley <>
date Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:23:23 -0600
parents 1264029d7989
children 10922d83392a
line wrap: on
line source

/* password.c - password read/update helper functions.
 * Copyright 2012 Ashwini Kumar <>

#include "toys.h"
#include <time.h>

// generate appropriate random salt string for given encryption algorithm.
int get_salt(char *salt, char *algo)
  struct {
    char *type, id, len;
  } al[] = {{"des", 0, 2}, {"md5", 1, 8}, {"sha256", 5, 16}, {"sha512", 6, 16}};
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(al); i++) {
    if (!strcmp(algo, al[i].type)) {
      int len = al[i].len;
      char *s = salt;

      if (al[i].id) s += sprintf(s, "$%c$", '0'+al[i].id);

      // Read appropriate number of random bytes for salt
      i = xopen("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
      xreadall(i, libbuf, ((len*6)+7)/8);

      // Grab 6 bit chunks and convert to characters in ./0-9a-zA-Z
      for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        int bitpos = i*6, bits = bitpos/8;

        bits = ((libbuf[i]+(libbuf[i+1]<<8)) >> (bitpos&7)) & 0x3f;
        bits += 46;
        if (bits > 57) bits += 7;
        if (bits > 90) bits += 6;

        s[i] = bits;
      salt[len] = 0;

      return s-salt;

  return -1;

// Reset terminal to known state, returning old state if old != NULL.
int set_terminal(int fd, int raw, struct termios *old)
  struct termios termio;

  if (!tcgetattr(fd, &termio) && old) *old = termio;

  // the following are the bits set for an xterm. Linux text mode TTYs by
  // default add two additional bits that only matter for serial processing
  // (turn serial line break into an interrupt, and XON/XOFF flow control)

  // Any key unblocks output, swap CR and NL on input
  termio.c_iflag = IXANY|ICRNL|INLCR;
  if (toys.which->flags & TOYFLAG_LOCALE) termio.c_iflag |= IUTF8;

  // Output appends CR to NL, does magic undocumented postprocessing
  termio.c_oflag = ONLCR|OPOST;

  // Leave serial port speed alone
  // termio.c_cflag = C_READ|CS8|EXTB;

  // Generate signals, input entire line at once, echo output
  // erase, line kill, escape control characters with ^
  // erase line char at a time
  // "extended" behavior: ctrl-V quotes next char, ctrl-R reprints unread chars,
  // ctrl-W erases word

  if (raw) cfmakeraw(&termio);

  return tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &termio);

// Prompt with mesg, read password into buf, return 0 for success 1 for fail
int read_password(char *buf, int buflen, char *mesg)
  struct termios oldtermio;
  struct sigaction sa, oldsa;
  int i, ret = 1;

  // NOP signal handler to return from the read
  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
  sa.sa_handler = generic_signal;
  sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &oldsa);

  tcflush(0, TCIFLUSH);
  set_terminal(0, 1, &oldtermio);

  xprintf("%s", mesg);

  for (i=0; i < buflen-1; i++) {
    if ((ret = read(0, buf+i, 1)) < 0 || (!ret && !i)) {
      i = 0;
      ret = 1;

    } else if (!ret || buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r') {
      ret = 0;

    } else if (buf[i] == 8 || buf[i] == 127) i -= i ? 2 : 1;

  // Restore terminal/signal state, terminate string
  sigaction(SIGINT, &oldsa, NULL);
  tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldtermio);
  buf[i] = 0;

  return ret;

static char *get_nextcolon(char *line, int cnt)
  while (cnt--) {
    if (!(line = strchr(line, ':'))) error_exit("Invalid Entry\n");
    line++; //jump past the colon
  return line;

/*update_password is used by multiple utilities to update /etc/passwd,
 * /etc/shadow, /etc/group and /etc/gshadow files, 
 * which are used as user, group databeses
 * entry can be 
 * 1. encrypted password, when updating user password.
 * 2. complete entry for user details, when creating new user
 * 3. group members comma',' separated list, when adding user to group
 * 4. complete entry for group details, when creating new group
 * 5. entry = NULL, delete the named entry user/group
int update_password(char *filename, char* username, char* entry)
  char *filenamesfx = NULL, *namesfx = NULL, *shadow = NULL,
       *sfx = NULL, *line = NULL;
  FILE *exfp, *newfp;
  int ret = -1, found = 0;
  struct flock lock;

  shadow = strstr(filename, "shadow");
  filenamesfx = xmprintf("%s+", filename);
  sfx = strchr(filenamesfx, '+');

  exfp = fopen(filename, "r+");
  if (!exfp) {
    perror_msg("Couldn't open file %s",filename);
    goto free_storage;

  *sfx = '-';
  ret = link(filename, filenamesfx);
  if (ret < 0) error_msg("can't create backup file");

  *sfx = '+';
  lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
  lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
  lock.l_start = 0;
  lock.l_len = 0;

  ret = fcntl(fileno(exfp), F_SETLK, &lock);
  if (ret < 0) perror_msg("Couldn't lock file %s",filename);

  lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; //unlocking at a later stage

  newfp = fopen(filenamesfx, "w+");
  if (!newfp) {
    error_msg("couldn't open file for writing");
    ret = -1;
    goto free_storage;

  ret = 0;
  namesfx = xmprintf("%s:",username);
  while ((line = get_line(fileno(exfp))) != NULL)
    if (strncmp(line, namesfx, strlen(namesfx)))
      fprintf(newfp, "%s\n", line);
    else if (entry) {
      char *current_ptr = NULL;

      found = 1;
      if (!strcmp(toys.which->name, "passwd")) {
        fprintf(newfp, "%s%s:",namesfx, entry);
        current_ptr = get_nextcolon(line, 2); //past passwd
        if (shadow) {
          fprintf(newfp, "%u:",(unsigned)(time(NULL))/(24*60*60));
          current_ptr = get_nextcolon(current_ptr, 1);
          fprintf(newfp, "%s\n",current_ptr);
        } else fprintf(newfp, "%s\n",current_ptr);
      } else if (!strcmp(toys.which->name, "groupadd") || 
          !strcmp(toys.which->name, "addgroup") ||
          !strcmp(toys.which->name, "delgroup") ||
          !strcmp(toys.which->name, "groupdel")){
        current_ptr = get_nextcolon(line, 3); //past gid/admin list
        *current_ptr = '\0';
        fprintf(newfp, "%s", line);
        fprintf(newfp, "%s\n", entry);
  if (!found && entry) fprintf(newfp, "%s\n", entry);
  fcntl(fileno(exfp), F_SETLK, &lock);

  errno = 0;
  rename(filenamesfx, filename);
  if (errno) {
    perror_msg("File Writing/Saving failed: ");
    ret = -1;

  return ret;