view Makefile @ 1500:cf77c4939385 draft

The only illegal characters in a username are ":" (field separator), "\n" (line separator), and "/" (filename separator). Restricting usernames to the legacy posix character allowed set (for filenames, so the $HOME directory is creatable on VFAT and similar) means you can't have UTF-8 usernames. Linux allows any character but / and NUL in filenames. Since root is creating these entries, we assume root knows what it's doing.
author Rob Landley <>
date Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:49:44 -0500
parents 8bf5f528d352
children a34104fc7544
line wrap: on
line source

# Makefile for toybox.
# Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <>

all: toybox

toybox toybox_unstripped: $(KCONFIG_CONFIG) *.[ch] lib/*.[ch] toys/*.h toys/*/*.c scripts/*.sh

.PHONY: clean distclean baseline bloatcheck install install_flat \
	uinstall uninstall_flat test tests help

include kconfig/Makefile

$(KCONFIG_TOP): generated/
generated/ toys/*/*.c scripts/


# Development targets
baseline: toybox_unstripped
	@cp toybox_unstripped toybox_old

bloatcheck: toybox_old toybox_unstripped
	@scripts/bloatcheck toybox_old toybox_unstripped

generated/instlist: toybox
	$(HOSTCC) -I . scripts/install.c -o generated/instlist

install_flat: generated/instlist
	scripts/ --symlink --force

	scripts/ --long --symlink --force

uninstall_flat: generated/instlist
	scripts/ --uninstall

	scripts/ --long --uninstall

	rm -rf toybox toybox_unstripped generated .singleconfig*

distclean: clean
	rm -f toybox_old .config*

test: tests


	@echo  '  toybox          - Build toybox.'
	@echo  '  baseline        - Create busybox_old for use by bloatcheck.'
	@echo  '  bloatcheck      - Report size differences between old and current versions'
	@echo  '  test            - Run test suite against compiled commands.'
	@echo  '  clean           - Delete temporary files.'
	@echo  "  distclean       - Delete everything that isn't shipped."
	@echo  '  install_flat    - Install toybox into $$PREFIX directory.'
	@echo  '  install         - Install toybox into subdirectories of $$PREFIX.'
	@echo  '  uninstall_flat  - Remove toybox from $$PREFIX directory.'
	@echo  '  uninstall       - Remove toybox from subdirectories of $$PREFIX.'
	@echo  ''
	@echo  'example: CFLAGS="--static" CROSS_COMPILE=armv5l- make defconfig toybox install'
	@echo  ''