view scripts/test/uuencode.test @ 1087:b73a61542297 draft

I've finally gotten 'cpio' into a shape where it could be useable. This version can archive and extract directories, sockets, FIFOs, devices, symlinks, and regular files. Supported options are -iot, -H FMT (which is a dummy right now). It only writes newc, and could read newc or newcrc. This does NOT implement -d, which essentially is equivalent to mkdir -p $(dirname $FILE) for every file that needs it. Hard links are not supported, though it would be easy to add them given a hash table or something like that. I also have not implemented the "<n> blocks" output on stderr. If desired, I can add it pretty simply. There is one assumption this makes: that the mode of a file, as mode_t, is bitwise equivalent to the mode as defined for the cpio format. This is true of Linux, but is not mandated by POSIX. If it is compiled for a system where that is false, the archives will not be portable.
author Isaac Dunham <>
date Mon, 14 Oct 2013 11:15:22 -0500
parents 3107c5525cc7
line wrap: on
line source


[ -f ] && .

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

testing "uuencode not enough args [fail]" "uuencode 2>/dev/null" "" "" ""

testing "uuencode uu empty file" "uuencode test" \
	"begin 744 test\nend\n" "" "" 
testing "uuencode uu 1-char" "uuencode test" \
	"begin 744 test\n!80\`\`\nend\n" "" "a" 
testing "uuencode uu 2-char" "uuencode test" \
	"begin 744 test\n\"86(\`\nend\n" "" "ab" 
testing "uuencode uu 3-char" "uuencode test" \
	"begin 744 test\n#86)C\nend\n" "" "abc" 

testing "uuencode b64 empty file" "uuencode -m test" \
	"begin-base64 744 test\n====\n" "" "" 
testing "uuencode b64 1-char" "uuencode -m test" \
	"begin-base64 744 test\nYQ==\n====\n" "" "a" 
testing "uuencode b64 2-char" "uuencode -m test" \
	"begin-base64 744 test\nYWI=\n====\n" "" "ab" 
testing "uuencode b64 3-char" "uuencode -m test" \
	"begin-base64 744 test\nYWJj\n====\n" "" "abc"