view toys/posix/patch.c @ 818:264b9da809df

Simplify license text, as mentioned on the mailing list. Reasoning: it was never my intent to require anybody to copy license text into another project if they cut and pasted something out of toybox. The "permission for any purpose" is as close to public domain as you can get in our current screwed up legal system without making people uncomfortable the _other_ way. (Besides, my initial reading of that was "all copies of the source code" but that's not what it says, and somebody pointed out that Android has "show license text" options because paranoid lawyers think that sort of thing applies to the BINARY version, which is nuts.)
author Rob Landley <>
date Thu, 14 Mar 2013 09:02:37 -0500
parents 786841fdb1e0
children 98c396477e0b
line wrap: on
line source

/* patch.c - Apply a "universal" diff.
 * Copyright 2007 Rob Landley <>
 * see
 * (But only does -u, because who still cares about "ed"?)
 * TODO:
 * -b backup
 * -l treat all whitespace as a single space
 * -N ignore already applied
 * -d chdir first
 * -D define wrap #ifdef and #ifndef around changes
 * -o outfile output here instead of in place
 * -r rejectfile write rejected hunks to this file
 * -E remove empty files --remove-empty-files
 * -f force (no questions asked)
 * -F fuzz (number, default 2)
 * [file] which file to patch


config PATCH
  bool "patch"
  default y
    usage: patch [-i file] [-p depth] [-Ru]

    Apply a unified diff to one or more files.

    -i	Input file (defaults=stdin)
    -l	Loose match (ignore whitespace)
    -p	Number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all)
    -R	Reverse patch.
    -u	Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs)

    This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies
    a file when all all hunks to that file apply.  Patch prints failed
    hunks to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail.

    A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date <= the epoch) is
    created/deleted as appropriate.

#define FOR_patch
#include "toys.h"

  char *infile;
  long prefix;

  struct double_list *current_hunk;
  long oldline, oldlen, newline, newlen;
  long linenum;
  int context, state, filein, fileout, filepatch, hunknum;
  char *tempname;

// Dispose of a line of input, either by writing it out or discarding it.

// state < 2: just free
// state = 2: write whole line to stderr
// state = 3: write whole line to fileout
// state > 3: write line+1 to fileout when *line != state

#define PATCH_DEBUG (CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG && (toys.optflags & 32))

static void do_line(void *data)
  struct double_list *dlist = (struct double_list *)data;

  if (TT.state>1 && *dlist->data != TT.state) {
    char *s = dlist->data+(TT.state>3 ? 1 : 0);
    int i = TT.state == 2 ? 2 : TT.fileout;

    xwrite(i, s, strlen(s));
    xwrite(i, "\n", 1);

  if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "DO %d: %s\n", TT.state, dlist->data);


static void finish_oldfile(void)
  if (TT.tempname) replace_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);
  TT.fileout = TT.filein = -1;

static void fail_hunk(void)
  if (!TT.current_hunk) return;
  TT.current_hunk->prev->next = 0;

  fprintf(stderr, "Hunk %d FAILED %ld/%ld.\n",
      TT.hunknum, TT.oldline, TT.newline);
  toys.exitval = 1;

  // If we got to this point, we've seeked to the end.  Discard changes to
  // this file and advance to next file.

  TT.state = 2;
  llist_traverse(TT.current_hunk, do_line);
  TT.current_hunk = NULL;
  delete_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);
  TT.state = 0;

// Compare ignoring whitespace. Just returns
static int loosecmp(char *aa, char *bb)
  int a = 0, b = 0;

  for (;;) {
    while (isspace(aa[a])) a++;
    while (isspace(bb[b])) b++;
    if (aa[a] != bb[b]) return 1;
    if (!aa[a]) return 0;
    a++, b++;

// Given a hunk of a unified diff, make the appropriate change to the file.
// This does not use the location information, but instead treats a hunk
// as a sort of regex.  Copies data from input to output until it finds
// the change to be made, then outputs the changed data and returns.
// (Finding EOF first is an error.)  This is a single pass operation, so
// multiple hunks must occur in order in the file.

static int apply_one_hunk(void)
  struct double_list *plist, *buf = NULL, *check;
  int matcheof = 0, reverse = toys.optflags & FLAG_R, backwarn = 0;
  int (*lcmp)(char *aa, char *bb);

  lcmp = (toys.optflags & FLAG_l) ? (void *)loosecmp : (void *)strcmp;

  // Break doubly linked list so we can use singly linked traversal function.
  TT.current_hunk->prev->next = NULL;

  // Match EOF if there aren't as many ending context lines as beginning
  for (plist = TT.current_hunk; plist; plist = plist->next) {
    if (plist->data[0]==' ') matcheof++;
    else matcheof = 0;
    if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "HUNK:%s\n", plist->data);
  matcheof = matcheof < TT.context;

  if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"MATCHEOF=%c\n", matcheof ? 'Y' : 'N');

  // Loop through input data searching for this hunk.  Match all context
  // lines and all lines to be removed until we've found the end of a
  // complete hunk.
  plist = TT.current_hunk;
  buf = NULL;
  if (TT.context) for (;;) {
    char *data = get_line(TT.filein);


    // Figure out which line of hunk to compare with next.  (Skip lines
    // of the hunk we'd be adding.)
    while (plist && *plist->data == "+-"[reverse]) {
      if (data && !lcmp(data, plist->data+1)) {
        if (!backwarn) backwarn = TT.linenum;
      plist = plist->next;

    // Is this EOF?
    if (!data) {
      if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "INEOF\n");

      // Does this hunk need to match EOF?
      if (!plist && matcheof) break;

      if (backwarn)
        fprintf(stderr, "Possibly reversed hunk %d at %ld\n",
            TT.hunknum, TT.linenum);

      // File ended before we found a place for this hunk.
      goto done;
    } else if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "IN: %s\n", data);
    check = dlist_add(&buf, data);

    // Compare this line with next expected line of hunk.

    // A match can fail because the next line doesn't match, or because
    // we hit the end of a hunk that needed EOF, and this isn't EOF.

    // If match failed, flush first line of buffered data and
    // recheck buffered data for a new match until we find one or run
    // out of buffer.

    for (;;) {
      if (!plist || lcmp(check->data, plist->data+1)) {
        // Match failed.  Write out first line of buffered data and
        // recheck remaining buffered data for a new match.

        if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "NOT: %s\n", plist->data);

        TT.state = 3;
        check = llist_pop(&buf);
        check->prev->next = buf;
        buf->prev = check->prev;
        plist = TT.current_hunk;

        // If we've reached the end of the buffer without confirming a
        // match, read more lines.
        if (check==buf) {
          buf = 0;
        check = buf;
      } else {
        if (PATCH_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "MAYBE: %s\n", plist->data);
        // This line matches.  Advance plist, detect successful match.
        plist = plist->next;
        if (!plist && !matcheof) goto out;
        check = check->next;
        if (check == buf) break;
  // We have a match.  Emit changed data.
  TT.state = "-+"[reverse];
  llist_traverse(TT.current_hunk, do_line);
  TT.current_hunk = NULL;
  TT.state = 1;
  if (buf) {
    buf->prev->next = NULL;
    llist_traverse(buf, do_line);

  return TT.state;

// Read a patch file and find hunks, opening/creating/deleting files.
// Call apply_one_hunk() on each hunk.

// state 0: Not in a hunk, look for +++.
// state 1: Found +++ file indicator, look for @@
// state 2: In hunk: counting initial context lines
// state 3: In hunk: getting body

void patch_main(void)
  int reverse = toys.optflags&FLAG_R, state = 0, patchlinenum = 0,
    strip = 0;
  char *oldname = NULL, *newname = NULL;

  if (TT.infile) TT.filepatch = xopen(TT.infile, O_RDONLY);
  TT.filein = TT.fileout = -1;

  // Loop through the lines in the patch
  for (;;) {
    char *patchline;

    patchline = get_line(TT.filepatch);
    if (!patchline) break;

    // Other versions of patch accept damaged patches,
    // so we need to also.
    if (strip || !patchlinenum++) {
      int len = strlen(patchline);
      if (patchline[len-1] == '\r') {
        if (!strip) fprintf(stderr, "Removing DOS newlines\n");
        strip = 1;
    if (!*patchline) {
      patchline = xstrdup(" ");

    // Are we assembling a hunk?
    if (state >= 2) {
      if (*patchline==' ' || *patchline=='+' || *patchline=='-') {
        dlist_add(&TT.current_hunk, patchline);

        if (*patchline != '+') TT.oldlen--;
        if (*patchline != '-') TT.newlen--;

        // Context line?
        if (*patchline==' ' && state==2) TT.context++;
        else state=3;

        // If we've consumed all expected hunk lines, apply the hunk.

        if (!TT.oldlen && !TT.newlen) state = apply_one_hunk();
      state = 0;

    // Open a new file?
    if (!strncmp("--- ", patchline, 4) || !strncmp("+++ ", patchline, 4)) {
      char *s, **name = &oldname;
      int i;

      if (*patchline == '+') {
        name = &newname;
        state = 1;


      // Trim date from end of filename (if any).  We don't care.
      for (s = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++)
        if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++;
      i = atoi(s);
      if (i>1900 && i<=1970) *name = xstrdup("/dev/null");
      else {
        *s = 0;
        *name = xstrdup(patchline+4);

      // We defer actually opening the file because svn produces broken
      // patches that don't signal they want to create a new file the
      // way the patch man page says, so you have to read the first hunk
      // and _guess_.

    // Start a new hunk?  Usually @@ -oldline,oldlen +newline,newlen @@
    // but a missing ,value means the value is 1.
    } else if (state == 1 && !strncmp("@@ -", patchline, 4)) {
      int i;
      char *s = patchline+4;

      // Read oldline[,oldlen] +newline[,newlen]

      TT.oldlen = TT.newlen = 1;
      TT.oldline = strtol(s, &s, 10);
      if (*s == ',') TT.oldlen=strtol(s+1, &s, 10);
      TT.newline = strtol(s+2, &s, 10);
      if (*s == ',') TT.newlen = strtol(s+1, &s, 10);

      TT.context = 0;
      state = 2;

      // If this is the first hunk, open the file.
      if (TT.filein == -1) {
        int oldsum, newsum, del = 0;
        char *name;

        oldsum = TT.oldline + TT.oldlen;
        newsum = TT.newline + TT.newlen;

        name = reverse ? oldname : newname;

        // We're deleting oldname if new file is /dev/null (before -p)
        // or if new hunk is empty (zero context) after patching
        if (!strcmp(name, "/dev/null") || !(reverse ? oldsum : newsum))
          name = reverse ? newname : oldname;

        // handle -p path truncation.
        for (i = 0, s = name; *s;) {
          if ((toys.optflags & FLAG_p) && TT.prefix == i) break;
          if (*s++ != '/') continue;
          while (*s == '/') s++;
          name = s;

        if (del) {
          printf("removing %s\n", name);
          state = 0;
        // If we've got a file to open, do so.
        } else if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_p) || i <= TT.prefix) {
          // If the old file was null, we're creating a new one.
          if ((!strcmp(oldname, "/dev/null") || !oldsum) && access(name, F_OK))
            printf("creating %s\n", name);
            s = strrchr(name, '/');
            if (s) {
              *s = 0;
              xmkpath(name, -1);
              *s = '/';
            TT.filein = xcreate(name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0666);
          } else {
            printf("patching %s\n", name);
            TT.filein = xopen(name, O_RDWR);
          TT.fileout = copy_tempfile(TT.filein, name, &TT.tempname);
          TT.linenum = 0;
          TT.hunknum = 0;



    // If we didn't continue above, discard this line.

