view toys/posix/df.c @ 818:264b9da809df

Simplify license text, as mentioned on the mailing list. Reasoning: it was never my intent to require anybody to copy license text into another project if they cut and pasted something out of toybox. The "permission for any purpose" is as close to public domain as you can get in our current screwed up legal system without making people uncomfortable the _other_ way. (Besides, my initial reading of that was "all copies of the source code" but that's not what it says, and somebody pointed out that Android has "show license text" options because paranoid lawyers think that sort of thing applies to the BINARY version, which is nuts.)
author Rob Landley <>
date Thu, 14 Mar 2013 09:02:37 -0500
parents 6cc69be43c42
children 849e14fecf2b
line wrap: on
line source

/* df.c - report free disk space.
 * Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <>
 * See


config DF
  bool "df (disk free)"
  default y
    usage: df [-t type] [FILESYSTEM ...]

    The "disk free" command, df shows total/used/available disk space for
    each filesystem listed on the command line, or all currently mounted

    -t type	Display only filesystems of this type.

  bool "options -P and -k"
  default y
  depends on DF
    usage: df [-Pk]

    -P	The SUSv3 "Pedantic" option

    Provides a slightly less useful output format dictated by
    the Single Unix Specification version 3, and sets the
    units to 512 bytes instead of the default 1024 bytes.

    -k	Sets units back to 1024 bytes (the default without -P)

#define FOR_df
#include "toys.h"

  struct arg_list *fstype;

  long units;

static void show_mt(struct mtab_list *mt)
  int len;
  long long size, used, avail, percent, block;
  char *device;

  // Return if it wasn't found (should never happen, but with /etc/mtab...)
  if (!mt) return;

  // If we have -t, skip other filesystem types
  if (TT.fstype) {
    struct arg_list *al;

    for (al = TT.fstype; al; al = al->next) 
      if (!strcmp(mt->type, al->arg)) break;

    if (!al) return;

  // If we don't have -a, skip synthetic filesystems
  if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_a) && !mt->statvfs.f_blocks) return;

  // Figure out how much total/used/free space this filesystem has,
  // forcing 64-bit math because filesystems are big now.
  block = mt->statvfs.f_bsize ? mt->statvfs.f_bsize : 1;
  size = (block * mt->statvfs.f_blocks) / TT.units;
  used = (block * (mt->statvfs.f_blocks-mt->statvfs.f_bfree)) / TT.units;
  avail = (block * (getuid() ? mt->statvfs.f_bavail : mt->statvfs.f_bfree))
      / TT.units;
  if (!(used+avail)) percent = 0;
  else {
    percent = (used*100)/(used+avail);
    if (used*100 != percent*(used+avail)) percent++;

  device = *mt->device == '/' ? realpath(mt->device, NULL) : NULL;
  if (!device) device = mt->device;

  // Figure out appropriate spacing
  len = 25 - strlen(device);
  if (len < 1) len = 1;
  if (CFG_DF_PEDANTIC && (toys.optflags & FLAG_P)) {
    xprintf("%s %lld %lld %lld %lld%% %s\n", device, size, used, avail,
      percent, mt->dir);
  } else {
    xprintf("%s% *lld % 10lld % 9lld % 3lld%% %s\n", device, len,
      size, used, avail, percent, mt->dir);

  if (device != mt->device) free(device);

void df_main(void)
  struct mtab_list *mt, *mt2, *mtlist;

  // Handle -P and -k
  TT.units = 1024;
  if (CFG_DF_PEDANTIC && (toys.optflags & FLAG_P)) {
    // Units are 512 bytes if you select "pedantic" without "kilobytes".
    if ((toys.optflags&(FLAG_P|FLAG_k)) == FLAG_P) TT.units = 512;
    printf("Filesystem %ld-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on\n",
  } else puts("Filesystem\t1K-blocks\tUsed Available Use% Mounted on");

  mtlist = getmountlist(1);

  // If we have a list of filesystems on the command line, loop through them.
  if (*toys.optargs) {
    char **next;

    for(next = toys.optargs; *next; next++) {
      struct stat st;

      // Stat it (complain if we can't).
      if(stat(*next, &st)) {
        perror_msg("`%s'", *next);

      // Find and display this filesystem.  Use _last_ hit in case of
      // -- bind mounts.
      mt2 = NULL;
      for (mt = mtlist; mt; mt = mt->next) {
        if (st.st_dev == mt->stat.st_dev) {
          mt2 = mt;
  } else {
    // Get and loop through mount list.

    for (mt = mtlist; mt; mt = mt->next) {
      struct mtab_list *mt2, *mt3;

      if (!mt->stat.st_dev) continue;

      // Filter out overmounts.
      mt3 = mt;
      for (mt2 = mt->next; mt2; mt2 = mt2->next) {
        if (mt->stat.st_dev == mt2->stat.st_dev) {
          // For --bind mounts, take last match
          if (!strcmp(mt->device, mt2->device)) mt3 = mt2;
          // Filter out overmounts
          mt2->stat.st_dev = 0;

  if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) llist_traverse(mtlist, free);