view toys/pending/grep.c @ 953:13916d161ec0

xzcat: remove XZ_(PREALLOC|SINGLE), inline xz_dec_bcj_create Because we only use XZ_DYNALLOC, there's a bunch of dead code. This patch removes the #ifdef's and if()s associated with support for multiple modes. single_call was only used to store the mode; it is no longer needed. A little bit of reorganization was needed to reduce the number of prototypes. Documentation associated with dead code was dropped. There are still some relics of multiple modes in the continued presence of "XZ_DYNALLOC" and xz_mode. Additionally, I inlined xz_dec_bcj_create; it was called once. This loses about 125 lines, mostly comments.
author Isaac Dunham <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:25:07 -0500
parents 55e587acefa9
children 8ad85a95f7c3
line wrap: on
line source

/* grep.c - print lines what match given regular expression
 * Copyright 2013 CE Strake <strake888 at>
 * See
 * See

USE_GREP(NEWTOY(grep, "EFhinovclqe*f*m#", TOYFLAG_BIN))

config GREP
  bool "grep"
  default n
    usage: grep [-clq] [-EFhinov] (-e RE | -f REfile | RE) [file...]

      default: print lines from each file what match regular expression RE.
      -c:   print the number of matching lines in each file.
      -l:   print all matching file names.
      -q:   print nil; quit with code 0 when match found.

      -E:   extended RE syntax
      -F:   fixed RE syntax, i.e. all characters literal
      -h:   not print file name
      -i:   case insensitive
      -n:   print line numbers
      -o:   print only matching part
      -v:   invert match

#define FOR_grep
#include "toys.h"
#include <regex.h>
#include <err.h>

/* could be in GLOBALS but so need initialization code */
static int c = 1;

static regex_t re; /* fails in GLOBALS */

  long mArgu;
  struct arg_list *fArgu, *eArgu;
  char mode;

static void do_grep (int fd, char *name) {
  int n = 0, nMatch = 0;

  for (;;) {
    char *x, *y;
    regmatch_t match;
    int atBOL = 1;

    x = get_rawline (fd, 0, '\n');
    if (!x) break;
    y = x;
    n++; /* start at 1 */

    while (regexec (&re, y, 1, &match, atBOL ? 0 : REG_NOTBOL) == 0) {
      if (atBOL) nMatch++;
      c = 0; atBOL = 0;
      switch (TT.mode) {
      case 'q':
        exit (0);
      case 'l':
        if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_h)) printf ("%s\n", name);
        free (x);
      case 'c':
        if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_h)) printf ("%s:", name);
        if ( (toys.optflags & FLAG_n)) printf ("%d:", n);
        if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_o)) fputs (x, stdout);
        else {
          y += match.rm_so;
          printf ("%.*s\n", match.rm_eo - match.rm_so, y++);
      if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_o)) break;

    free (x);

    if ((toys.optflags & FLAG_m) && nMatch >= TT.mArgu) break;

  if (TT.mode == 'c') printf ("%s:%d\n", name, nMatch);

char *regfix (char *re_xs) {
  char *re_ys;
  int ii, jj = 0;
  re_ys = xmalloc (2*strlen (re_xs) + 1);
  for (ii = 0; re_xs[ii]; ii++) {
    if (strchr ("^.[]$()|*+?{}\\", re_xs[ii])) re_ys[jj++] = '\\';
    re_ys[jj++] = re_xs[ii];
  re_ys[jj] = 0;
  return re_ys;

void buildRE (void) {
  char *re_xs;

  re_xs = 0;
  for (; TT.eArgu; TT.eArgu = TT.eArgu -> next) {
    if (toys.optflags & FLAG_F) TT.eArgu -> arg = regfix (TT.eArgu -> arg);
    if (re_xs) re_xs = xastrcat (re_xs, "|");
    re_xs = xastrcat (re_xs, TT.eArgu -> arg);
  for (; TT.fArgu; TT.fArgu = TT.fArgu -> next) {
    FILE *f;
    char *x, *y;
    size_t l;

    f = xfopen (TT.fArgu -> arg, "r");
    x = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if (getline (&x, &l, f) < 0) {
        if (feof (f)) break;
        err (2, "failed to read");
      y = x + strlen (x) - 1;
      if (y[0] == '\n') y[0] = 0;

      y = toys.optflags & FLAG_F ? regfix (x) : x;
      if (re_xs) re_xs = xastrcat (re_xs, "|");
      re_xs = xastrcat (re_xs, y);
      free (y);
    free (x);
    fclose (f);

  if (!re_xs) {
    if (toys.optc < 1) errx (2, "no RE");
    re_xs = toys.optflags & FLAG_F ? regfix (toys.optargs[0]) : toys.optargs[0];
    toys.optc--; toys.optargs++;

  if (regcomp (&re, re_xs,
               (toys.optflags & (FLAG_E | FLAG_F) ? REG_EXTENDED : 0) |
               (toys.optflags &  FLAG_i           ? REG_ICASE    : 0)) != 0) {
    errx (2, "bad RE");

void grep_main (void) {
  buildRE ();

  if (toys.optflags & FLAG_c) TT.mode = 'c';
  if (toys.optflags & FLAG_l) TT.mode = 'l';
  if (toys.optflags & FLAG_q) TT.mode = 'q';

  if (toys.optc > 0) loopfiles (toys.optargs, do_grep);
  else do_grep (0, "-");

  exit (c);