view lib/lib.h @ 953:13916d161ec0

xzcat: remove XZ_(PREALLOC|SINGLE), inline xz_dec_bcj_create Because we only use XZ_DYNALLOC, there's a bunch of dead code. This patch removes the #ifdef's and if()s associated with support for multiple modes. single_call was only used to store the mode; it is no longer needed. A little bit of reorganization was needed to reduce the number of prototypes. Documentation associated with dead code was dropped. There are still some relics of multiple modes in the continued presence of "XZ_DYNALLOC" and xz_mode. Additionally, I inlined xz_dec_bcj_create; it was called once. This loses about 125 lines, mostly comments.
author Isaac Dunham <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:25:07 -0500
parents ce0519f6457c
children 252caf3d2b88
line wrap: on
line source

/* lib.h - header file for lib directory
 * Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <>

// Unfortunately, sizeof() doesn't work in a preprocessor test.  TODO.

//#if sizeof(double) <= sizeof(long)
//typedef double FLOAT;
typedef float FLOAT;

// libc generally has this, but the headers are screwed up
ssize_t getline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream);

// llist.c

// All these list types can be handled by the same code because first element
// is always next pointer, so next = (mytype *)&struct. (The payloads are
// named differently to catch using the wrong type early.)

struct string_list {
  struct string_list *next;
  char str[0];

struct arg_list {
  struct arg_list *next;
  char *arg;

struct double_list {
  struct double_list *next, *prev;
  char *data;

void llist_traverse(void *list, void (*using)(void *data));
void *llist_pop(void *list);  // actually void **list, but the compiler's dumb
void dlist_add_nomalloc(struct double_list **list, struct double_list *new);
struct double_list *dlist_add(struct double_list **list, char *data);

// args.c
void get_optflags(void);

// dirtree.c

// Values returnable from callback function (bitfield, or them together)
// Default with no callback is 0

// Add this node to the tree
#define DIRTREE_SAVE         1
// Recurse into children
#define DIRTREE_RECURSE      2
// Call again after handling all children of this directory
// (Ignored for non-directories, sets linklen = -1 before second call.)
// Follow symlinks to directories
// Don't look at any more files in this directory.
#define DIRTREE_ABORT      256

#define DIRTREE_ABORTVAL ((struct dirtree *)1)

struct dirtree {
  struct dirtree *next, *parent, *child;
  long extra; // place for user to store their stuff (can be pointer)
  struct stat st;
  char *symlink;
  int data;  // dirfd for directory, linklen for symlink, -1 = comeagain
  char name[];

struct dirtree *dirtree_add_node(struct dirtree *p, char *name, int symfollow);
char *dirtree_path(struct dirtree *node, int *plen);
int dirtree_notdotdot(struct dirtree *catch);
int dirtree_parentfd(struct dirtree *node);
struct dirtree *dirtree_handle_callback(struct dirtree *new,
  int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node));
void dirtree_recurse(struct dirtree *node,
  int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node), int symfollow);
struct dirtree *dirtree_read(char *path, int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node));

// help.c

void show_help(void);

// xwrap.c
void xstrncpy(char *dest, char *src, size_t size);
void xexit(void) noreturn;
void *xmalloc(size_t size);
void *xzalloc(size_t size);
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
char *xstrndup(char *s, size_t n);
char *xstrdup(char *s);
char *xmsprintf(char *format, ...);
void xprintf(char *format, ...);
void xputs(char *s);
void xputc(char c);
void xflush(void);
void xexec_optargs(int skip);
void xexec(char **argv);
void xaccess(char *path, int flags);
void xunlink(char *path);
int xcreate(char *path, int flags, int mode);
int xopen(char *path, int flags);
void xclose(int fd);
int xdup(int fd);
FILE *xfopen(char *path, char *mode);
size_t xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
void xreadall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
void xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
off_t xlseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
char *xreadfile(char *name);
int xioctl(int fd, int request, void *data);
char *xgetcwd(void);
void xstat(char *path, struct stat *st);
char *xabspath(char *path, int exact);
char *xrealpath(char *path);
void xchdir(char *path);
void xmkpath(char *path, int mode);
void xsetuid(uid_t uid);
char *xreadlink(char *name);
long xparsetime(char *arg, long units, long *fraction);

// lib.c
void verror_msg(char *msg, int err, va_list va);
void error_msg(char *msg, ...);
void perror_msg(char *msg, ...);
void error_exit(char *msg, ...) noreturn;
void perror_exit(char *msg, ...) noreturn;
ssize_t readall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
ssize_t writeall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
off_t lskip(int fd, off_t offset);
struct string_list **splitpath(char *path, struct string_list **list);
char *readfile(char *name);
void msleep(long miliseconds);
int64_t peek(void *ptr, int size);
void poke(void *ptr, uint64_t val, int size);
struct string_list *find_in_path(char *path, char *filename);
void utoa_to_buf(unsigned n, char *buf, unsigned buflen);
void itoa_to_buf(int n, char *buf, unsigned buflen);
char *utoa(unsigned n);
char *itoa(int n);
long atolx(char *c);
int numlen(long l);
int stridx(char *haystack, char needle);
off_t fdlength(int fd);
void loopfiles_rw(char **argv, int flags, int permissions, int failok,
  void (*function)(int fd, char *name));
void loopfiles(char **argv, void (*function)(int fd, char *name));
char *get_rawline(int fd, long *plen, char end);
char *get_line(int fd);
void xsendfile(int in, int out);
int wfchmodat(int rc, char *name, mode_t mode);
int copy_tempfile(int fdin, char *name, char **tempname);
void delete_tempfile(int fdin, int fdout, char **tempname);
void replace_tempfile(int fdin, int fdout, char **tempname);
void crc_init(unsigned int *crc_table, int little_endian);
void terminal_size(unsigned *x, unsigned *y);
int yesno(char *prompt, int def);
void for_each_pid_with_name_in(char **names, int (*callback)(pid_t pid, char *name));
unsigned long xstrtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);

// net.c
int xsocket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

// getmountlist.c
struct mtab_list {
  struct mtab_list *next;
  struct stat stat;
  struct statvfs statvfs;
  char *dir;
  char *device;
  char type[0];

struct mtab_list *xgetmountlist(void);

void bunzipStream(int src_fd, int dst_fd);

// signal

void sigatexit(void *handler);
int sig_to_num(char *pidstr);
char *num_to_sig(int sig);

mode_t string_to_mode(char *mode_str, mode_t base);
void mode_to_string(mode_t mode, char *buf);

// password helper functions
int read_password(char * buff, int buflen, char* mesg);
int update_password(char *filename, char* username, char* encrypted);

// du helper functions
char* make_human_readable(unsigned long long size, unsigned long unit);

// cut helper functions
unsigned long get_int_value(const char *numstr, unsigned lowrange, unsigned highrange);

// grep helper functions
char  *astrcat (char *, char *);
char *xastrcat (char *, char *);