view @ 234:e52f1c8dfd91

Ok, technically not something that should really be in the release tarball, but it's annoying when you have 30 megabytes of small files in the build directory and mercurial takes a full minute to do "hg diff". (And don't get me started on bash 3.x tab completion.)
author Rob Landley <>
date Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:01:50 -0500
parents 8b0d2080707c
children cef5bbd777fa
line wrap: on
line source


# Get lots of predefined environment variables and shell functions.


# A little debugging trick...

rm -rf "${CROSS}"
mkdir -p "${CROSS}" || dienow

# Orange
echo -e "\e[33m"

# Build and install binutils

setupfor binutils build-binutils
"${CURSRC}/configure" --prefix="${CROSS}" --host=${CROSS_HOST} \
	--target=${CROSS_TARGET} --with-lib-path=lib --disable-nls \
	--disable-shared --disable-multilib --program-prefix="${ARCH}-" \
make configure-host &&
make -j $CPUS &&
make install &&
cd .. &&
mkdir -p "${CROSS}/include" &&
cp binutils/include/libiberty.h "${CROSS}/include" &&
$CLEANUP binutils build-binutils

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

# Build and install gcc

setupfor gcc-core build-gcc
AR_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-ar" "${CURSRC}/configure" $GCC_FLAGS \
	--prefix="${CROSS}" --host=${CROSS_HOST} --target=${CROSS_TARGET} \
	--enable-languages=c --disable-threads --disable-multilib \
	--disable-nls --disable-shared --program-prefix="${ARCH}-" &&
make -j $CPUS all-gcc &&
make install-gcc &&
cd .. &&

echo Fixup toolchain... &&

# Write this out as a script snippet for debugging purposes.

cat > << EOF &&
# Move the gcc internal libraries and headers somewhere sane.

mkdir -p "${CROSS}"/gcc &&
mv "${CROSS}"/lib/gcc/*/*/include "${CROSS}"/gcc/include &&
mv "${CROSS}"/lib/gcc/*/* "${CROSS}"/gcc/lib &&
$CLEANUP "${CROSS}"/{lib/gcc,gcc/lib/install-tools} &&

# Build and install gcc wrapper script.

cd "${CROSS}"/bin &&
mv "${ARCH}-gcc" gcc-unwrapped &&
$CC -Os -s "${TOP}"/sources/toys/gcc-uClibc.c -o "${ARCH}-gcc"

# Run toolchain fixup and cleanup

chmod +x &&
./ &&
$CLEANUP "${CURSRC}" build-gcc

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

# Install kernel headers.

setupfor linux
# Install Linux kernel headers (for use by uClibc).
make -j $CPUS headers_install ARCH="${KARCH}" INSTALL_HDR_PATH="${CROSS}" &&
cd .. &&
$CLEANUP linux

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

# Build and install uClibc

setupfor uClibc
make CROSS= allnoconfig KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG="${WORK}"/miniconfig-uClibc &&
# Can't use -j here, build is unstable.
make CROSS="${ARCH}-" KERNEL_HEADERS="${CROSS}/include" PREFIX="${CROSS}/" \
	RUNTIME_PREFIX=/ DEVEL_PREFIX=/ all install_runtime install_dev &&
# "make utils" in uClibc is broken for cross compiling.  Either it creates a
# target binary (which you can't run on the host), or it tries to link the
# host binary against the target library, and use the target compiler flags
# (neither of which is going to produce a working host binary).  The solution
# is to bypass the broken build entirely, and do it by hand.
make CROSS= distclean &&
make CROSS= allnoconfig &&
make CROSS= headers KERNEL_HEADERS=/usr/include &&
$CC -Os -s -I include utils/readelf.c -o "${CROSS}/bin/${ARCH}-readelf" &&
$CC -Os -s -I ldso/include utils/ldd.c -o "${CROSS}/bin/${ARCH}-ldd" &&
cd .. &&

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

cat > "${CROSS}"/README << EOF &&
Cross compiler for $ARCH

To use: Add the "bin" directory to your \$PATH, and use "$ARCH-gcc" as
your compiler.

The syntax used to build the Linux kernel is:



# Strip everything

cd "$CROSS"
for i in `find bin -type f` `find "$CROSS_TARGET" -type f`
  strip "$i" 2> /dev/null
#for i in `find lib -type f` `find gcc/lib -type f`
#  "${ARCH}-strip" "$i" 2> /dev/null

echo -n creating "build/cross-compiler-${ARCH}".tar.bz2 &&
cd "${BUILD}"
{ tar cjvf "cross-compiler-${ARCH}".tar.bz2 cross-compiler-"${ARCH}" || dienow
} | dotprogress

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

# A quick hello world program to test the cross-compiler out.
# Build hello.c dynamic, then static, to verify header/library paths.

echo "Sanity test: building Hello World."

"${ARCH}-gcc" -Os "${SOURCES}/toys/hello.c" -o "$WORK"/hello &&
"${ARCH}-gcc" -Os -static "${SOURCES}/toys/hello.c" -o "$WORK"/hello &&
if which qemu-"${QEMU_TEST}" > /dev/null
  [ x"$(qemu-"${QEMU_TEST}" "${WORK}"/hello)" == x"Hello world!" ] &&
  echo Cross-toolchain seems to work.

[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow

echo -e "\e[32mCross compiler toolchain build complete.\e[0m"