view toys/patch.c @ 315:aaac01796688

Upgrade patch to detect hunks that start after a false start. Imagine a hunk that starts with a blank line, but the site to patch starts with two blank lines. Before we'd read the first blank line, think it was the start of the hunk and buffer it, read the second blank line, notice that it didn't match the second line of the hunk, and discard _both_ buffered lines of context (writing them to the output file) without checking that one of the later context lines might have been the real start of the hunk. Make it re-check the rest of the buffered context for matches each time it discards a line of buffered context.
author Rob Landley <>
date Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:44:30 -0500
parents d1a548bbd0dd
children 5d0fbdb2fc86
line wrap: on
line source

/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4:
 * patch.c - Apply a "universal" diff.
 * Copyright 2007 Rob Landley <>
 * see
 * (But only does -u, because who still cares about "ed"?)
 * TODO:
 * -b backup
 * -l treat all whitespace as a single space
 * -N ignore already applied
 * -d chdir first
 * -D define wrap #ifdef and #ifndef around changes
 * -o outfile output here instead of in place
 * -r rejectfile write rejected hunks to this file
 * -E remove empty files --remove-empty-files
 * -f force (no questions asked)
 * -F fuzz (number, default 2)
 * [file] which file to patch


config PATCH
	bool "patch"
	default y
	  usage: patch [-i file] [-p depth] [-Ru]

	  Apply a unified diff to one or more files.

	  -i	Input file (defaults=stdin)
	  -p	number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all)
	  -R	Reverse patch.
	  -u	Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs)

	  This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies
	  a file when all all hunks to that file apply.  Patch prints failed
	  hunks to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail.

	  A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date in 1969) is
	  created/deleted as appropriate.

#include "toys.h"

	char *infile;
	long prefix;

	struct double_list *plines, *flines;
	long oldline, oldlen, newline, newlen, linenum;
	int context, state, filein, fileout, filepatch, hunknum;
	char *tempname, *oldname;

#define TT this.patch

#define FLAG_REVERSE 1
#define FLAG_PATHLEN 4

static void do_line(void *data)
	struct double_list *dlist = (struct double_list *)data;

	if (TT.state && *dlist->data != TT.state)
		fdprintf(TT.state == 2 ? 2 : TT.fileout,
			"%s\n", dlist->data+(TT.state>2 ? 1 : 0));


static void finish_oldfile(void)
	if (TT.tempname) replace_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);

static void fail_hunk(void)
	if (!TT.plines) return;
	TT.plines->prev->next = 0;

	fdprintf(2, "Hunk %d FAILED.\n", TT.hunknum);
	toys.exitval = 1;

	// If we got to this point, we've seeked to the end.  Discard changes to
	// this file and advance to next file.

	TT.state = 2;
	llist_free(TT.plines, do_line);
	TT.plines = NULL;
	delete_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);
	TT.filein = -1;

static void apply_hunk(void)
	struct double_list *plist, *buf = NULL, *check;
	int i = 0, backwards = 0, matcheof = 0,
		reverse = toys.optflags & FLAG_REVERSE;

	// Break doubly linked list so we can use singly linked traversal function.
	TT.plines->prev->next = NULL;

	// Match EOF if there aren't as many ending context lines as beginning
	for (plist = TT.plines; plist; plist = plist->next) {
		if (plist->data[0]==' ') i++;
		else i = 0;
	if (i < TT.context) matcheof++;

	// Search for a place to apply this hunk.  Match all context lines and
	// lines to be removed.
	plist = TT.plines;
	buf = NULL;
	i = 0;

	// Start of for loop
	if (TT.context) for (;;) {
		char *data = get_line(TT.filein);


		// Skip lines of the hunk we'd be adding.
		while (plist && *plist->data == "+-"[reverse]) {
			if (data && !strcmp(data, plist->data+1)) {
				if (++backwards == TT.context)
					fdprintf(2,"Possibly reversed hunk %d at %ld\n",
						TT.hunknum, TT.linenum);
			} else backwards=0;
			plist = plist->next;

		// Is this EOF?
		if (!data) {
			// Does this hunk need to match EOF?
			if (!plist && matcheof) break;

			// File ended before we found a place for this hunk.
			goto done;
		check = dlist_add(&buf, data);

		// todo: teach the strcmp() to ignore whitespace.

		for (;;) {
			// If we hit the end of a hunk that needed EOF and this isn't EOF,
			// or next line doesn't match, flush first line of buffered data and
			// recheck match until we find a new match or run out of buffer.
			if (!plist || strcmp(check->data, plist->data+1)) {
				// First line isn't a match, write it out.
				TT.state = 1;
				check = llist_pop(&buf);
				check->prev->next = buf;
				buf->prev = check->prev;
				plist = TT.plines;

				// Out of buffered lines?
				if (check==buf) {
					buf = 0;
				check = buf;
			} else {
				// This line matches.  Advance plist, detect successful match.
				plist = plist->next;
				if (!plist && !matcheof) goto out;
				check = check->next;
				if (check == buf) break;
	// Got it.  Emit changed data.
	TT.state = "-+"[reverse];
	llist_free(TT.plines, do_line);
	TT.plines = NULL;
	TT.state = 0;
	if (buf) {
		buf->prev->next = NULL;
		llist_free(buf, do_line);

// state 0: Not in a hunk, look for +++.
// state 1: Found +++ file indicator, look for @@
// state 2: In hunk: counting initial context lines
// state 3: In hunk: getting body

void patch_main(void)
	if (TT.infile) TT.filepatch = xopen(TT.infile, O_RDONLY);
	TT.filein = TT.fileout = -1;

	// Loop through the lines in the patch
	for(;;) {
		char *patchline;

		patchline = get_line(TT.filepatch);
		if (!patchline) break;

		// Are we processing a hunk?
		if (TT.state >= 2) {
			if (*patchline==' ' || *patchline=='+' || *patchline=='-') {
				dlist_add(&TT.plines, patchline);

				if (*patchline != '+') TT.oldlen--;
				if (*patchline != '-') TT.newlen--;

				// Context line?
				if (*patchline==' ' && TT.state==2) TT.context++;
				else TT.state=3;

				if (!TT.oldlen && !TT.newlen) apply_hunk();
			TT.state = 0;

		// Open a new file?
		if (!strncmp("--- ", patchline, 4)) {
			char *s;

			// Trim date from end of filename (if any).  We don't care.
			for (s = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++)
				if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++;
			if (!strncmp(s, "\t1969-12-31", 10))
				TT.oldname = xstrdup("/dev/null");
			else {
				*s = 0;
				TT.oldname = xstrdup(patchline+4);
		} else if (!strncmp("+++ ", patchline, 4)) {
			int i = 0, del = 0;
			char *s, *start;


			// Trim date from end of filename (if any).  We don't care.
			for (s = start = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++)
				if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++;
			if (!strncmp(s, "\t1969-12-31", 10)) start = "/dev/null";
			*s = 0;

			// If new file is /dev/null (before -p), we're deleting oldname
			if (!strcmp(start, "/dev/null")) {
				start = TT.oldname;
			} else start = patchline+4;
			// handle -p path truncation.
			for (s = start; *s;) {
				if ((toys.optflags & FLAG_PATHLEN) && TT.prefix == i) break;
				if (*(s++)=='/') {
					start = s;

			if (del) xunlink(TT.oldname);
			// If we've got a file to open, do so.
			else if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_PATHLEN) || i <= TT.prefix) {
				// If the old file was null, we're creating a new one.
				if (!strcmp(TT.oldname, "/dev/null")) {
					printf("creating %s\n", start);
					s = strrchr(start, '/');
					if (s) {
						*s = 0;
						xmkpath(start, -1);
						*s = '/';
					TT.filein = xcreate(start, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0666);
				} else {
					printf("patching %s\n", start);
					TT.filein = xopen(start, O_RDWR);
				TT.fileout = copy_tempfile(TT.filein, start, &TT.tempname);
				TT.state = 1;
				TT.context = 0;
				TT.linenum = 0;
				TT.hunknum = 0;

		// Start a new hunk?
		// Test filein rather than state to report only the first failed hunk.
		} else if (TT.filein!=-1 && !strncmp("@@ -", patchline, 4) &&
			4 == sscanf(patchline+4, "%ld,%ld +%ld,%ld", &TT.oldline,
				&TT.oldlen, &TT.newline, &TT.newlen))
			TT.context = 0;
			TT.state = 2;

		// If we didn't continue above, discard this line.

