view toys/pending/expr.c @ 1649:66bb2847993d draft

More half-finished cleanup of printf.c, and more test suite entries.
author Rob Landley <>
date Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:02:21 -0600
parents e064dd8ff138
line wrap: on
line source

/* expr.c - evaluate expression
 * Copyright 2013 Daniel Verkamp <>
 * The web standard is incomplete (precedence grouping missing), see:


config EXPR
  bool "expr"
  default n
    usage: expr ARG1 OPERATOR ARG2...

    Evaluate expression and print result. For example, "expr 1 + 2".

    The supported operators are (grouped from highest to lowest priority):

      ( )    :    * / %    + -    != <= < >= > =    &    |

    Each constant and operator must be a separate command line argument.
    All operators are infix, meaning they expect a constant (or expression
    that resolves to a constant) on each side of the operator. Operators of
    the same priority (within each group above) are evaluated left to right.
    Parentheses may be used (as separate arguments) to elevate the priority
    of expressions.

    Calling expr from a command shell requires a lot of \( or '*' escaping
    to avoid interpreting shell control characters.

    The & and | operators are logical (not bitwise) and may operate on
    strings (a blank string is "false"). Comparison operators may also
    operate on strings (alphabetical sort).

    Constants may be strings or integers. Comparison, logical, and regex
    operators may operate on strings (a blank string is "false"), other
    operators require integers.

// TODO: int overflow checking

#define FOR_expr
#include "toys.h"

  int argidx;

// Scalar value.
// If s is NULL, the value is an integer (i).
// If s is not NULL, the value is a string (s).
struct value {
  char *s;
  long long i;

// check if v is the integer 0 or the empty string
static int is_zero(struct value *v)
  return v->s ? !*v->s : !v->i;

static char *num_to_str(long long num)
  static char num_buf[21];
  snprintf(num_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "%lld", num);
  return num_buf;

static int cmp(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) {
    // at least one operand is a string
    char *ls = lhs->s ? lhs->s : num_to_str(lhs->i);
    char *rs = rhs->s ? rhs->s : num_to_str(rhs->i);
    return strcmp(ls, rs);
  } else return lhs->i - rhs->i;

static void re(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  regex_t rp;
  regmatch_t rm[2];

  xregcomp(&rp, rhs->s, 0);
  if (!regexec(&rp, lhs->s, 2, rm, 0) && rm[0].rm_so == 0) {
    if (rp.re_nsub > 0 && rm[1].rm_so >= 0) 
      lhs->s = xmprintf("%.*s", rm[1].rm_eo - rm[1].rm_so, lhs->s+rm[1].rm_so);
    else {
      lhs->i = rm[0].rm_eo;
      lhs->s = 0;
  } else {
    if (!rp.re_nsub) {
      lhs->i = 0;
      lhs->s = 0;
    } else lhs->s = "";

static void mod(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) error_exit("non-integer argument");
  if (is_zero(rhs)) error_exit("division by zero");
  lhs->i %= rhs->i;

static void divi(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) error_exit("non-integer argument");
  if (is_zero(rhs)) error_exit("division by zero");
  lhs->i /= rhs->i;

static void mul(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) error_exit("non-integer argument");
  lhs->i *= rhs->i;

static void sub(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) error_exit("non-integer argument");
  lhs->i -= rhs->i;

static void add(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (lhs->s || rhs->s) error_exit("non-integer argument");
  lhs->i += rhs->i;

static void ne(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = cmp(lhs, rhs) != 0;
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void lte(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = cmp(lhs, rhs) <= 0;
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void lt(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = cmp(lhs, rhs) < 0;
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void gte(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = cmp(lhs, rhs) >= 0;
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void gt(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = cmp(lhs, rhs) > 0;
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void eq(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  lhs->i = !cmp(lhs, rhs);
  lhs->s = NULL;

static void and(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (is_zero(lhs) || is_zero(rhs)) {
    lhs->i = 0;
    lhs->s = NULL;

static void or(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs)
  if (is_zero(lhs)) *lhs = *rhs;

static void get_value(struct value *v)
  char *endp, *arg;

  if (TT.argidx == toys.optc) {
    v->i = 0;
    v->s = ""; // signal end of expression

//  can't happen, the increment is after the == test
//  if (TT.argidx >= toys.optc) error_exit("syntax error");

  arg = toys.optargs[TT.argidx++];

  v->i = strtoll(arg, &endp, 10);
  v->s = *endp ? arg : NULL;

// check if v matches a token, and consume it if so
static int match(struct value *v, char *tok)
  if (v->s && !strcmp(v->s, tok)) {
    return 1;

  return 0;

// operators in order of increasing precedence
static struct op {
  char *tok;

  // calculate "lhs op rhs" (e.g. lhs + rhs) and store result in lhs
  void (*calc)(struct value *lhs, struct value *rhs);
} ops[] = {
  {"|",   or  }, {"&",   and }, {"=",   eq  }, {"==",  eq  }, {">",   gt  },
  {">=",  gte }, {"<",   lt  }, {"<=",  lte }, {"!=",  ne  }, {"+",   add },
  {"-",   sub }, {"*",   mul }, {"/",   divi}, {"%",   mod }, {":",   re  },
  {"(",   NULL}, // special case - must be last

// "|,&,= ==> >=< <= !=,+-,*/%,:"

static void parse_op(struct value *lhs, struct value *tok, struct op *op)
  if (!op) op = ops;

  // special case parsing for parentheses
  if (*op->tok == '(') {
    if (match(tok, "(")) {
      parse_op(lhs, tok, 0);
      if (!match(tok, ")")) error_exit("syntax error"); // missing closing paren
    } else {
      // tok is a string or integer - return it and get the next token
      *lhs = *tok;


  parse_op(lhs, tok, op + 1);
  while (match(tok, op->tok)) {
    struct value rhs;
    parse_op(&rhs, tok, op + 1);
    if (rhs.s && !*rhs.s) error_exit("syntax error"); // premature end of expression
    op->calc(lhs, &rhs);

void expr_main(void)
  struct value tok, ret = {0};

  toys.exitval = 2; // if exiting early, indicate invalid expression

  TT.argidx = 0;

  get_value(&tok); // warm up the parser with the initial value
  parse_op(&ret, &tok, 0);

  // final token should be end of expression
  if (!tok.s || *tok.s) error_exit("syntax error");

  if (ret.s) printf("%s\n", ret.s);
  else printf("%lld\n", ret.i);
