view toys/pending/pgrep.c @ 1634:5fac2769a159 draft

Redo option parsing infrastructure so #define FORCE_FLAGS can unzero flag macros for a disabled command (needed when multiple commands share infrastructure with a common set of flags). This means the flag space is no longer packed, but leaves gaps where the zeroes go. (Actual flag bit positions are the same for all configs.) Since the option parsing needs to know where the holes are, the OPTSTR values are now generated as part of flags.h with ascii 1 values for the disabled values. (So generated/oldflags.h went away.) This also means that the option string argument for OLDTOY() went away, it now uses the same arguments as the NEWTOY() it references.
author Rob Landley <>
date Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:30:59 -0600
parents 9ee321b6edb5
line wrap: on
line source

/* pgrep.c - pgrep and pkill implementation
 * Copyright 2012 Madhur Verma <>
 * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <>


config PGREP
  bool "pgrep"
  default n
    usage: pgrep [-flnovx] [-s SID|-P PPID|PATTERN]
           pkill [-l|-SIGNAL] [-fnovx] [-s SID|-P PPID|PATTERN]

    -l  Show command name too / List all signals
    -f  Match against entire command line
    -n  Show/Signal the newest process only
    -o  Show/Signal the oldest process only
    -v  Negate the match
    -x  Match whole name (not substring)
    -s  Match session ID (0 for current)
    -P  Match parent process ID

#define FOR_pgrep
#include "toys.h"
#include <regex.h>

#define flag_get(f,v,d)   ((toys.optflags & f) ? v : d)
#define flag_chk(f)       ((toys.optflags & f) ? 1 : 0)

  long sid;       //-s
  long ppid;      //-P
  char *signame;

static int exec_action(unsigned pid, char *name, int signal)
  if (toys.which->name[1] == 'g') {
    printf("%d", pid);
    if (flag_chk(FLAG_l)) printf(" %s", name);
  } else {
    kill(pid, signal);
  return 0;

static int regex_match(regex_t *rp, char *tar, char *patt)
  regmatch_t rm[1];
  int len = strlen(tar);
  if (regexec(rp, tar, 1, rm, 0) == 0) {
    if (flag_chk(FLAG_x)) {
      if ((rm[0].rm_so == 0) && ((rm[0].rm_eo - rm[0].rm_so) == len)) return 1;
    } else return 1;
  return 0;

void pgrep_main(void)
  int signum=0, eval=0, ret=1;
  DIR *dp=NULL;
  struct dirent *entry=NULL;
  regex_t rp;
  unsigned  pid=0, ppid=0, sid=0, latest_pid=0;
  char *cmdline=NULL, *latest_cmdline = NULL;
  pid_t self = getpid();

  if (!(dp = opendir("/proc"))) perror_exit("OPENDIR: failed to open /proc");

  if (toys.which->name[1] == 'k') {
    if (flag_chk(FLAG_l)) {
    if (!TT.signame && *toys.optargs && **toys.optargs == '-') {
      TT.signame = *(toys.optargs++) + 1;
    if (TT.signame) {
      char *arg;
      int i = strtol(TT.signame, &arg, 10);
      if (!*arg) arg = num_to_sig(i);
      else arg = TT.signame;
      if (!arg || (signum = sig_to_num(arg)) == -1)
        error_exit("Unknown signal '%s'", arg);
    } else signum = SIGTERM;
  if (!(flag_chk(FLAG_s) || flag_chk(FLAG_P)) && !*toys.optargs) {
    error_exit("missing argument");
  if (*(toys.optargs+1) && !(flag_chk(FLAG_s) || flag_chk(FLAG_P))) {
    error_exit("max argument > 1");
  if (*toys.optargs) { /* compile regular expression(PATTERN) */
    if ((eval = regcomp(&rp, *toys.optargs, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) != 0) {
      char errbuf[256];
      (void) regerror(eval, &rp, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
      error_exit("%s", errbuf);
  if (flag_chk(FLAG_s)&&(TT.sid==0)) TT.sid = getsid(0);
  while ((entry = readdir(dp))) {
    int fd = -1, n = 0;
    if (!isdigit(*entry->d_name)) continue;

    pid = strtol(entry->d_name, NULL, 10);
    if (pid == self) continue;

    snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%s/cmdline", entry->d_name);
    if ((fd = open(toybuf, O_RDONLY)) == -1) goto cmdline_fail;
    n = read(fd, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
    toybuf[n--] = '\0';
    if (n < 0) {
      snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%s/comm", entry->d_name);
      if ((fd = open(toybuf, O_RDONLY)) == -1) continue;
      n = read(fd, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
      toybuf[--n] = '\0';
      if (n < 1) continue;
    if (flag_chk(FLAG_f)) {
      while (--n)
        if (toybuf[n] < ' ') toybuf[n] = ' ';
    if (cmdline) free(cmdline);
    cmdline = xstrdup(toybuf);
    if (flag_chk(FLAG_s) || flag_chk(FLAG_P)) {
      snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%s/stat", entry->d_name);
      if ((fd = open(toybuf, O_RDONLY)) == -1) continue;
      n = read(fd, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
      if (n<1) continue;
      n = sscanf(toybuf, "%*u %*s %*c %u %*u %u", &ppid, &sid);
      if (flag_chk(FLAG_s)) if (sid != TT.sid) continue;
      if (flag_chk(FLAG_P)) if (ppid != TT.ppid) continue;
    if (!*toys.optargs || (regex_match(&rp, cmdline, *toys.optargs)^flag_chk(FLAG_v))) {
      if (flag_chk(FLAG_n)) {
        if (latest_cmdline) free(latest_cmdline);
        latest_cmdline = xstrdup(cmdline);
        latest_pid = pid;
      } else exec_action(pid, cmdline, signum);
      ret = 0;
      if (flag_chk(FLAG_o)) break;
  if (cmdline) free(cmdline);
  if (latest_cmdline) {
    exec_action(latest_pid, latest_cmdline, signum);
  if (*toys.optargs) regfree(&rp);
  toys.exitval = ret;