view toys/ls.c @ 565:44abf4d901f3

Rewrite dirtree so we don't need readdir, scandir, and fts.h. Rewrite ls (from scratch) to use new dirtree infrastructure. (This breaks everything else that currently uses dirtree.)
author Rob Landley <>
date Sat, 14 Apr 2012 22:30:41 -0500
parents 31215cc6c9f2
children 2e0367cb9585
line wrap: on
line source

/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4:
 * ls.c - list files
 * Copyright 2012 Andre Renaud <>
 * Copyright 2012 Rob Landley <>
 * See

USE_LS(NEWTOY(ls, "ACFHLRSacdfiklmnpqrstux1", TOYFLAG_BIN))

config LS
	bool "ls"
	default y
	  usage: ls [-ACFHLRSacdfiklmnpqrstux1] [directory...]
	  list files

          -1    list one file per line
          -a    list all files
	  -A	list all files except . and ..
          -F    append a character as a file type indicator
          -l    show full details for each file

#include "toys.h"

#define FLAG_1 (1<<0)
//#define FLAG_x (1<<1)
//#define FLAG_u (1<<2)
//#define FLAG_t (1<<3)
//#define FLAG_s (1<<4)
//#define FLAG_r (1<<5)
//#define FLAG_q (1<<6)
#define FLAG_p (1<<7)
//#define FLAG_n (1<<8)
#define FLAG_m (1<<9)
#define FLAG_l (1<<10)
//#define FLAG_k (1<<11)
#define FLAG_i (1<<12)
#define FLAG_f (1<<13)
#define FLAG_d (1<<14)
//#define FLAG_c (1<<15)
#define FLAG_a (1<<16)
//#define FLAG_S (1<<17)
#define FLAG_R (1<<18)
//#define FLAG_L (1<<19)
//#define FLAG_H (1<<20)
#define FLAG_F (1<<21)
//#define FLAG_C (1<<21)
#define FLAG_A (1<<22)

// test sst output (suid/sticky in ls flaglist)

// ls -lR starts .: then ./subdir:

  struct dirtree *files;

  unsigned width;
  int again;

#define TT

void dlist_to_dirtree(struct dirtree *parent)
    // Turn double_list into dirtree
    struct dirtree *dt = parent->child;
    if (dt) {
        dt->parent->next = NULL;
        while (dt) {
            dt->parent = parent;
            dt = dt->next;

static char endtype(struct stat *st)
    mode_t mode = st->st_mode;
    if ((toys.optflags&(FLAG_F|FLAG_p)) && S_ISDIR(mode)) return '/';
    if (toys.optflags & FLAG_F) {
        if (S_ISLNK(mode) && !(toys.optflags & FLAG_F)) return '@';
        if (S_ISREG(mode) && (mode&0111)) return '*';
        if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) return '|';
        if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) return '=';
    return 0;

static char *getusername(uid_t uid)
  struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid);
  return pw ? pw->pw_name : utoa(uid);

static char *getgroupname(gid_t gid)
  struct group *gr = getgrgid(gid);
  return gr ? gr->gr_name : utoa(gid);

// Figure out size of printable entry fields for display indent/wrap

static void entrylen(struct dirtree *dt, unsigned *len)
    struct stat *st = &(dt->st);
    unsigned flags = toys.optflags;

    *len = strlen(dt->name);
    if (endtype(st)) ++*len;
    if (flags & FLAG_m) ++*len;

    if (flags & FLAG_i) *len += (len[1] = numlen(st->st_ino));
    if (flags & FLAG_l) {
        len[2] = numlen(st->st_nlink);
        len[3] = strlen(getusername(st->st_uid));
        len[4] = strlen(getgroupname(st->st_gid));
        len[5] = numlen(st->st_size);

static int compare(void *a, void *b)
    struct dirtree *dta = *(struct dirtree **)a;
    struct dirtree *dtb = *(struct dirtree **)b;

// TODO handle flags
    return strcmp(dta->name, dtb->name);

static int filter(struct dirtree *new)
    int ret = DIRTREE_NORECURSE;

// TODO -1f should print here to handle enormous dirs without runing out of mem.

    if (!(toys.optflags & (FLAG_a|FLAG_A)) && new->name[0]=='.')
        ret |= DIRTREE_NOSAVE;
    else if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_a)) ret |= dirtree_isdotdot(new);

    return ret;

// Display a list of dirtree entries, according to current format
// Output types -1, -l, -C, or stream

static void listfiles(struct dirtree *indir)
    struct dirtree *dt, **sort = 0;
    unsigned long dtlen = 0, ul = 0;
    unsigned width, flags = toys.optflags, totals[6], len[6];
    int showdirs = 1;

    // Figure out if we should show directories and current directory name
    if (indir == TT.files) showdirs = (flags & (FLAG_d|FLAG_R));
    else if (indir->parent == TT.files && toys.optc <= 1 && !(flags&FLAG_R));
    else {
        char *path = dirtree_path(indir, 0);
        if (TT.again++) xputc('\n');
        xprintf("%s:\n", path);

    // Copy linked list to array and sort it. Directories go in array because
    // we visit them in sorted order.

    for (;;) {
        for (dt = indir->child; dt; dt = dt->next) {
            if (sort) sort[dtlen] = dt;
        if (sort) break;
        sort = xmalloc(dtlen * sizeof(void *));
        dtlen = 0;

    if (flags & FLAG_l) xprintf("total %lu\n", dtlen);

    if (!(flags & FLAG_f)) qsort(sort, dtlen, sizeof(void *), (void *)compare);

    // Find largest entry in each field for everything but -1

    memset(totals, 0, 6*sizeof(unsigned));
    if ((flags & (FLAG_1|FLAG_l)) != FLAG_1) {
        for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; ul++) {
            if (!showdirs && S_ISDIR(sort[ul]->st.st_mode)) continue;
            entrylen(sort[ul], len);
            if (flags & FLAG_l) {
                for (width=0; width<6; width++)
                    if (len[width] > totals[width]) totals[width] = len[width];
//TODO            } else if (flags & FLAG_C) {
            } else if (*len > *totals) *totals = *len;

    // Loop through again to produce output.
    width = 0;
    memset(toybuf, ' ', 256);
    for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; ul++) {
        struct stat *st = &(sort[ul]->st);
        mode_t mode = st->st_mode;
        char et = endtype(st);

        if (S_ISDIR(mode) && !showdirs) continue;
        entrylen(sort[ul], len);

        if (ul) {
            if (toys.optflags & FLAG_m) xputc(',');
            if ((flags & FLAG_1) || width+1+*len > TT.width) {
                width = 0;
            } else {
                xputc(' ');
        width += *len;

        if (flags & FLAG_i)
            xprintf("% *lu ", len[1], (unsigned long)st->st_ino);

        if (flags & FLAG_l) {
            struct tm *tm;
            char perm[11], thyme[64], c, d;
            int i, bit;

            for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
                bit = mode & (1<<i);
                c = i%3;
                if (!c && (mode & (1<<((d=i/3)+9)))) {
                    c = "tss"[d];
                    if (!bit) c &= 0x20;
                } else c = bit ? "xwr"[c] : '-';
                perm[9-i] = c;

            if (S_ISDIR(mode)) c = 'd';
            else if (S_ISBLK(mode)) c = 'b';
            else if (S_ISCHR(mode)) c = 'c';
            else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) c = 'l';
            else if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) c = 'p';
            else if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) c = 's';
            else c = '-';
            *perm = c;

            tm = localtime(&(st->st_mtime));
            strftime(thyme, sizeof(thyme), "%F %H:%M", tm);

            xprintf("%s% *d %s%s%s%s% *d %s ", perm, totals[2]+1, st->st_nlink,
                    getusername(st->st_uid), toybuf+255-(totals[3]-len[3]),
                    getgroupname(st->st_gid), toybuf+256-(totals[4]-len[4]),
                    totals[5]+1, st->st_size, thyme);

        xprintf("%s", sort[ul]->name);
        if ((flags & FLAG_l) && S_ISLNK(mode))
            xprintf(" -> %s", sort[ul]->symlink);

        if (et) xputc(et);

    if (width) xputc('\n');

    for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; free(sort[ul++])) {
// TODO follow symlinks when?
        if (!S_ISDIR(sort[ul]->st.st_mode) || dirtree_isdotdot(sort[ul]))
        if (indir == TT.files || (flags & FLAG_R)) {
            sort[ul]->data = openat(indir->data, sort[ul]->name, 0);
            dirtree_recurse(sort[ul], filter);


void ls_main(void)
    char **s, *noargs[] = {".", 0};

    // Do we have an implied -1
    if (!isatty(1) || (toys.optflags&FLAG_l)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_1;
    else {
        TT.width = 80;
        terminal_size(&TT.width, NULL);

    // Iterate through command line arguments, collecting directories and files.
    // Non-absolute paths are relative to current directory.
    TT.files = dirtree_add_node(0, 0);
    TT.files->data =open(".", 0);
    for (s = toys.optargs ? toys.optargs : noargs; *s; s++) {
        struct dirtree *dt = dirtree_add_node(TT.files->data, *s);

        if (!dt) {
            toys.exitval = 1;

        // Typecast means double_list->prev temporarirly goes in dirtree->parent
        dlist_add_nomalloc((struct double_list **)&TT.files->child,
                           (struct double_list *)dt);

    // Turn double_list into dirtree

    // Display the files we collected