view tests/pwd.test @ 1700:3b62d24bfa27 draft

Separate 'userdel' from testing syntax. When I test toybox with toybox/tests/*.test scripts, I got many false FAILs from it. So, I tried to fix useradd.test file.
author Yeongdeok Suh <>
date Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:06:26 -0600
parents 8700cbe1cb29
line wrap: on
line source


[ -f ] && .

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

#TODO: Find better tests

testing "pwd" "[ $(stat -c %i "$(pwd)") = $(stat -c %i .) ] && echo yes" \
	"yes\n" "" ""
testing "pwd -P" "[ $(stat -c %i "$(pwd -P)") = $(stat -c %i .) ] && echo yes" \
	"yes\n" "" ""

ln -s . sym
cd sym
testing "pwd" "[ $(stat -c %i "$(pwd)") = $(stat -c %i "$PWD") ] && echo yes" \
	"yes\n" "" ""
testing "pwd -P" "[ $(stat -c %i "$(pwd -P)") = $(stat -c %i "$PWD") ] || echo yes" \
	"yes\n" "" ""
cd ..
rm sym

export PWD=walrus
testing "pwd (bad PWD)" "[ "$(pwd)" = "$(cd . ; pwd)" ] && echo yes" \
	"yes\n" "" ""