view lib/xwrap.c @ 1278:324306321d82 draft

Initial cleanup of last: mostly whitespace, move no record test to start of loop, don't bother to stat an empty file to report when an empty log was created (just report current time).
author Rob Landley <>
date Sat, 10 May 2014 13:20:03 -0500
parents 63db77909fc8
children 955169e818d0
line wrap: on
line source

/* xwrap.c - wrappers around existing library functions.
 * Functions with the x prefix are wrappers that either succeed or kill the
 * program with an error message, but never return failure. They usually have
 * the same arguments and return value as the function they wrap.
 * Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <>

#include "toys.h"

// Strcpy with size checking: exit if there's not enough space for the string.
void xstrncpy(char *dest, char *src, size_t size)
  if (strlen(src)+1 > size) error_exit("'%s' > %ld bytes", src, (long)size);
  strcpy(dest, src);

void xexit(void)
  if (toys.rebound) longjmp(*toys.rebound, 1);
  else exit(toys.exitval);

// Die unless we can allocate memory.
void *xmalloc(size_t size)
  void *ret = malloc(size);
  if (!ret) error_exit("xmalloc");

  return ret;

// Die unless we can allocate prezeroed memory.
void *xzalloc(size_t size)
  void *ret = xmalloc(size);
  memset(ret, 0, size);
  return ret;

// Die unless we can change the size of an existing allocation, possibly
// moving it.  (Notice different arguments from libc function.)
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
  ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
  if (!ptr) error_exit("xrealloc");

  return ptr;

// Die unless we can allocate a copy of this many bytes of string.
char *xstrndup(char *s, size_t n)
  char *ret = xmalloc(++n);
  strncpy(ret, s, n);

  return ret;

// Die unless we can allocate a copy of this string.
char *xstrdup(char *s)
  return xstrndup(s, strlen(s));

// Die unless we can allocate enough space to sprintf() into.
char *xmprintf(char *format, ...)
  va_list va, va2;
  int len;
  char *ret;

  va_start(va, format);
  va_copy(va2, va);

  // How long is it?
  len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, va);

  // Allocate and do the sprintf()
  ret = xmalloc(len);
  vsnprintf(ret, len, format, va2);

  return ret;

void xprintf(char *format, ...)
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, format);

  vprintf(format, va);
  if (ferror(stdout)) perror_exit("write");

void xputs(char *s)
  if (EOF == puts(s) || fflush(stdout)) perror_exit("write");

void xputc(char c)
  if (EOF == fputc(c, stdout) || fflush(stdout)) perror_exit("write");

void xflush(void)
  if (fflush(stdout)) perror_exit("write");;

// Call xexec with a chunk of optargs, starting at skip. (You can't just
// call xexec() directly because toy_init() frees optargs.)
void xexec_optargs(int skip)
  char **s = toys.optargs;

  toys.optargs = 0;

// Die unless we can exec argv[] (or run builtin command).  Note that anything
// with a path isn't a builtin, so /bin/sh won't match the builtin sh.
void xexec(char **argv)
  if (CFG_TOYBOX) toy_exec(argv);
  execvp(argv[0], argv);

  perror_exit("exec %s", argv[0]);

void xaccess(char *path, int flags)
  if (access(path, flags)) perror_exit("Can't access '%s'", path);

// Die unless we can delete a file.  (File must exist to be deleted.)
void xunlink(char *path)
  if (unlink(path)) perror_exit("unlink '%s'", path);

// Die unless we can open/create a file, returning file descriptor.
int xcreate(char *path, int flags, int mode)
  int fd = open(path, flags, mode);
  if (fd == -1) perror_exit("%s", path);
  return fd;

// Die unless we can open a file, returning file descriptor.
int xopen(char *path, int flags)
  return xcreate(path, flags, 0);

void xclose(int fd)
  if (close(fd)) perror_exit("xclose");

int xdup(int fd)
  if (fd != -1) {
    fd = dup(fd);
    if (fd == -1) perror_exit("xdup");
  return fd;

FILE *xfdopen(int fd, char *mode)
  FILE *f = fdopen(fd, mode);

  if (!f) perror_exit("xfdopen");

  return f;

// Die unless we can open/create a file, returning FILE *.
FILE *xfopen(char *path, char *mode)
  FILE *f = fopen(path, mode);
  if (!f) perror_exit("No file %s", path);
  return f;

// Die if there's an error other than EOF.
size_t xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t len)
  ssize_t ret = read(fd, buf, len);
  if (ret < 0) perror_exit("xread");

  return ret;

void xreadall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len)
  if (len != readall(fd, buf, len)) perror_exit("xreadall");

// There's no xwriteall(), just xwrite().  When we read, there may or may not
// be more data waiting.  When we write, there is data and it had better go
// somewhere.

void xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t len)
  if (len != writeall(fd, buf, len)) perror_exit("xwrite");

// Die if lseek fails, probably due to being called on a pipe.

off_t xlseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
  offset = lseek(fd, offset, whence);
  if (offset<0) perror_exit("lseek");

  return offset;

char *xgetcwd(void)
  char *buf = getcwd(NULL, 0);
  if (!buf) perror_exit("xgetcwd");

  return buf;

void xstat(char *path, struct stat *st)
  if(stat(path, st)) perror_exit("Can't stat %s", path);

// Cannonicalize path, even to file with one or more missing components at end.
// if exact, require last path component to exist
char *xabspath(char *path, int exact) 
  struct string_list *todo, *done = 0;
  int try = 9999, dirfd = open("/", 0);;
  char buf[4096], *ret;

  // If this isn't an absolute path, start with cwd.
  if (*path != '/') {
    char *temp = xgetcwd();

    splitpath(path, splitpath(temp, &todo));
  } else splitpath(path, &todo);

  // Iterate through path components
  while (todo) {
    struct string_list *new = llist_pop(&todo), **tail;
    ssize_t len;

    if (!try--) {
      errno = ELOOP;
      goto error;

    // Removable path componenents.
    if (!strcmp(new->str, ".") || !strcmp(new->str, "..")) {
      int x = new->str[1];

      if (x) {
        if (done) free(llist_pop(&done));
        len = 0;
      } else continue;

    // Is this a symlink?
    } else len=readlinkat(dirfd, new->str, buf, 4096);

    if (len>4095) goto error;
    if (len<1) {
      int fd;
      char *s = "..";

      // For .. just move dirfd
      if (len) {
        // Not a symlink: add to linked list, move dirfd, fail if error
        if ((exact || todo) && errno != EINVAL) goto error;
        new->next = done;
        done = new;
        if (errno == EINVAL && !todo) break;
        s = new->str;
      fd = openat(dirfd, s, 0);
      if (fd == -1 && (exact || todo || errno != ENOENT)) goto error;
      dirfd = fd;

    // If this symlink is to an absolute path, discard existing resolved path
    buf[len] = 0;
    if (*buf == '/') {
      llist_traverse(done, free);
      dirfd = open("/", 0);

    // prepend components of new path. Note symlink to "/" will leave new NULL
    tail = splitpath(buf, &new);

    // symlink to "/" will return null and leave tail alone
    if (new) {
      *tail = todo;
      todo = new;

  // At this point done has the path, in reverse order. Reverse list while
  // calculating buffer length.

  try = 2;
  while (done) {
    struct string_list *temp = llist_pop(&done);;

    if (todo) try++;
    try += strlen(temp->str);
    temp->next = todo;
    todo = temp;

  // Assemble return buffer

  ret = xmalloc(try);
  *ret = '/';
  ret [try = 1] = 0;
  while (todo) {
    if (try>1) ret[try++] = '/';
    try = stpcpy(ret+try, todo->str) - ret;

  return ret;

  llist_traverse(todo, free);
  llist_traverse(done, free);

  return NULL;

// Resolve all symlinks, returning malloc() memory.
char *xrealpath(char *path)
  char *new = realpath(path, NULL);
  if (!new) perror_exit("realpath '%s'", path);
  return new;

void xchdir(char *path)
  if (chdir(path)) error_exit("chdir '%s'", path);

void xchroot(char *path)
  if (chroot(path)) error_exit("chroot '%s'", path);

struct passwd *xgetpwuid(uid_t uid)
  struct passwd *pwd = getpwuid(uid);
  if (!pwd) error_exit("bad uid %ld", (long)uid);
  return pwd;

struct group *xgetgrgid(gid_t gid)
  struct group *group = getgrgid(gid);
  if (!group) error_exit("bad gid %ld", (long)gid);
  return group;

struct passwd *xgetpwnam(char *name)
  struct passwd *up = getpwnam(name);
  if (!up) error_exit("bad user '%s'", name);
  return up;

// setuid() can fail (for example, too many processes belonging to that user),
// which opens a security hole if the process continues as the original user.

void xsetuser(struct passwd *pwd)
  if (initgroups(pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_gid) || setgid(pwd->pw_uid)
      || setuid(pwd->pw_uid)) perror_exit("xsetuser '%s'", pwd->pw_name);

// This can return null (meaning file not found).  It just won't return null
// for memory allocation reasons.
char *xreadlink(char *name)
  int len, size = 0;
  char *buf = 0;

  // Grow by 64 byte chunks until it's big enough.
  for(;;) {
    size +=64;
    buf = xrealloc(buf, size);
    len = readlink(name, buf, size);

    if (len<0) {
      return 0;
    if (len<size) {
      return buf;

char *xreadfile(char *name, char *buf, off_t len)
  if (!(buf = readfile(name, buf, len))) perror_exit("Bad '%s'", name);

  return buf;

int xioctl(int fd, int request, void *data)
  int rc;

  errno = 0;
  rc = ioctl(fd, request, data);
  if (rc == -1 && errno) perror_exit("ioctl %x", request);

  return rc;

// Open a /var/run/ file, dying if we can't write it or if it currently
// exists and is this executable.
void xpidfile(char *name)
  char pidfile[256], spid[32];
  int i, fd;
  pid_t pid;

  sprintf(pidfile, "/var/run/", name);
  // Try three times to open the sucker.
  for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
    fd = open(pidfile, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0644);
    if (fd != -1) break;

    // If it already existed, read it.  Loop for race condition.
    fd = open(pidfile, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == -1) continue;

    // Is the old program still there?
    spid[xread(fd, spid, sizeof(spid)-1)] = 0;
    pid = atoi(spid);
    if (pid < 1 || (kill(pid, 0) && errno == ESRCH)) unlink(pidfile);

    // An else with more sanity checking might be nice here.

  if (i == 3) error_exit("xpidfile %s", name);

  xwrite(fd, spid, sprintf(spid, "%ld\n", (long)getpid()));

// Copy the rest of in to out and close both files.

void xsendfile(int in, int out)
  long len;
  char buf[4096];

  if (in<0) return;
  for (;;) {
    len = xread(in, buf, 4096);
    if (len<1) break;
    xwrite(out, buf, len);

// parse fractional seconds with optional s/m/h/d suffix
long xparsetime(char *arg, long units, long *fraction)
  double d;
  long l;

  if (CFG_TOYBOX_FLOAT) d = strtod(arg, &arg);
  else l = strtoul(arg, &arg, 10);
  // Parse suffix
  if (*arg) {
    int ismhd[]={1,60,3600,86400}, i = stridx("smhd", *arg);

    if (i == -1) error_exit("Unknown suffix '%c'", *arg);
    if (CFG_TOYBOX_FLOAT) d *= ismhd[i];
    else l *= ismhd[i];

    l = (long)d;
    if (fraction) *fraction = units*(d-l);
  } else if (fraction) *fraction = 0;

  return l;

// Compile a regular expression into a regex_t
void xregcomp(regex_t *preg, char *regex, int cflags)
  int rc = regcomp(preg, regex, cflags);

  if (rc) {
    regerror(rc, preg, libbuf, sizeof(libbuf));
    error_exit("xregcomp: %s", libbuf);