view sources/patches/linux-noperl-timeconst.patch @ 1817:92d542aa6ceb draft

Teach to handle its own dependencies, rebuilding kernel and repackaging cpio/squashfs as appropraite, and _not_ doing so when unneeded.
author Rob Landley <>
date Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:54:16 -0600
parents db11c049b66b
line wrap: on
line source

Replace timeconst.bc with the c version I've been using for years (to replace
the perl version). Eventually I should add bc to toybox, but for now...

--- linux/kernel/time/timeconst.bc	2013-04-28 19:36:01.000000000 -0500
+++ /dev/null	2013-02-23 10:58:11.743993346 -0600
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-define gcd(a,b) {
-	auto t;
-	while (b) {
-		t = b;
-		b = a % b;
-		a = t;
-	}
-	return a;
-/* Division by reciprocal multiplication. */
-define fmul(b,n,d) {
-       return (2^b*n+d-1)/d;
-/* Adjustment factor when a ceiling value is used.  Use as:
-   (imul * n) + (fmulxx * n + fadjxx) >> xx) */
-define fadj(b,n,d) {
-	auto v;
-	d = d/gcd(n,d);
-	v = 2^b*(d-1)/d;
-	return v;
-/* Compute the appropriate mul/adj values as well as a shift count,
-   which brings the mul value into the range 2^b-1 <= x < 2^b.  Such
-   a shift value will be correct in the signed integer range and off
-   by at most one in the upper half of the unsigned range. */
-define fmuls(b,n,d) {
-	auto s, m;
-	for (s = 0; 1; s++) {
-		m = fmul(s,n,d);
-		if (m >= 2^(b-1))
-			return s;
-	}
-	return 0;
-define timeconst(hz) {
-	print "/* Automatically generated by kernel/timeconst.bc */\n"
-	print "/* Time conversion constants for HZ == ", hz, " */\n"
-	print "\n"
-	print "#ifndef KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n"
-	print "#define KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n\n"
-	print "#include <linux/param.h>\n"
-	print "#include <linux/types.h>\n\n"
-	print "#if HZ != ", hz, "\n"
-	print "#error \qinclude/generated/timeconst.h has the wrong HZ value!\q\n"
-	print "#endif\n\n"
-	if (hz < 2) {
-		print "#error Totally bogus HZ value!\n"
-	} else {
-		s=fmuls(32,1000,hz)
-		obase=16
-		print "#define HZ_TO_MSEC_MUL32\tU64_C(0x", fmul(s,1000,hz), ")\n"
-		print "#define HZ_TO_MSEC_ADJ32\tU64_C(0x", fadj(s,1000,hz), ")\n"
-		obase=10
-		print "#define HZ_TO_MSEC_SHR32\t", s, "\n"
-		s=fmuls(32,hz,1000)
-		obase=16
-		print "#define MSEC_TO_HZ_MUL32\tU64_C(0x", fmul(s,hz,1000), ")\n"
-		print "#define MSEC_TO_HZ_ADJ32\tU64_C(0x", fadj(s,hz,1000), ")\n"
-		obase=10
-		print "#define MSEC_TO_HZ_SHR32\t", s, "\n"
-		obase=10
-		cd=gcd(hz,1000)
-		print "#define HZ_TO_MSEC_NUM\t\t", 1000/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define HZ_TO_MSEC_DEN\t\t", hz/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define MSEC_TO_HZ_NUM\t\t", hz/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define MSEC_TO_HZ_DEN\t\t", 1000/cd, "\n"
-		print "\n"
-		s=fmuls(32,1000000,hz)
-		obase=16
-		print "#define HZ_TO_USEC_MUL32\tU64_C(0x", fmul(s,1000000,hz), ")\n"
-		print "#define HZ_TO_USEC_ADJ32\tU64_C(0x", fadj(s,1000000,hz), ")\n"
-		obase=10
-		print "#define HZ_TO_USEC_SHR32\t", s, "\n"
-		s=fmuls(32,hz,1000000)
-		obase=16
-		print "#define USEC_TO_HZ_MUL32\tU64_C(0x", fmul(s,hz,1000000), ")\n"
-		print "#define USEC_TO_HZ_ADJ32\tU64_C(0x", fadj(s,hz,1000000), ")\n"
-		obase=10
-		print "#define USEC_TO_HZ_SHR32\t", s, "\n"
-		obase=10
-		cd=gcd(hz,1000000)
-		print "#define HZ_TO_USEC_NUM\t\t", 1000000/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define HZ_TO_USEC_DEN\t\t", hz/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define USEC_TO_HZ_NUM\t\t", hz/cd, "\n"
-		print "#define USEC_TO_HZ_DEN\t\t", 1000000/cd, "\n"
-		print "\n"
-		print "#endif /* KERNEL_TIMECONST_H */\n"
-	}
-	halt
-hz = read();
diff --git a/Kbuild b/Kbuild
index f55cefd..e412515 100644
--- a/Kbuild
+++ b/Kbuild
@@ -53,16 +53,18 @@ $(obj)/$(bounds-file): kernel/bounds.s FORCE
 timeconst-file := include/generated/timeconst.h
 targets += $(timeconst-file)
+hostprogs-y += mktimeconst
+mktimeconst-objs = kernel/time/mktimeconst.o
 quiet_cmd_gentimeconst = GEN     $@
 define cmd_gentimeconst
-	(echo $(CONFIG_HZ) | bc -q $< ) > $@
+	$(obj)/mktimeconst $(CONFIG_HZ) $@
 define filechk_gentimeconst
-	(echo $(CONFIG_HZ) | bc -q $< )
+	$(obj)/mktimeconst $(CONFIG_HZ) -
-$(obj)/$(timeconst-file): kernel/time/timeconst.bc FORCE
+$(obj)/$(timeconst-file): $(obj)/mktimeconst FORCE
 	$(call filechk,gentimeconst)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/time/mktimeconst.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ /* Copyright 2010-2013 Rob Landley <> */
+ #include <inttypes.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ 	uint64_t hz, periods[] = {1000, 1000000};
+ 	char *names[] = {"MSEC", "USEC"};
+ 	FILE *file;
+ 	int i, j;
+ 	if (argc != 3 || (hz = atol(argv[1])) < 1
+ 	    || !(file = !strcmp(argv[2], "-") ? stdout : fopen(argv[2], "w")))
+ 	{
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mktimeconst HZ FILENAME\n\n");
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Generate a header file with constants to convert between\n");
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "decimal HZ timer ticks and milisecond or microsecond delays,\n");
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "using reciprocal multiplication to avoid 64 bit division.\n");
+ 		exit(1);
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf(file,
+ 		"/* Automatically generated by kernel/mktimeconst */\n"
+ 		"/* Conversion constants for HZ == %"PRIu64" */\n\n"
+ 		"#ifndef __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n"
+ 		"#define __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n\n"
+ 		"#include <linux/param.h>\n"
+ 		"#include <linux/types.h>\n\n"
+ 		"#if HZ != %"PRIu64"\n"
+ 		"#error \"include/generated/timeconst.h has the wrong HZ value!\"\n"
+ 		"#endif\n\n", hz, hz);
+ 	/* Repeat for MSEC and USEC */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ 		uint64_t gcd, period;
+ 		/* Find greatest common denominator using Euclid's algorithm. */
+ 		gcd = hz;
+ 		period = periods[i];
+ 		while (period) {
+ 			uint64_t temp = gcd % period;
+ 			gcd = period;
+ 			period = temp;
+ 		}
+ 		/* Output both directions (HZ_TO_PERIOD and PERIOD_TO_HZ) */
+ 		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ 			char name[16];
+ 			uint64_t from = j ? periods[i] : hz;
+ 			uint64_t to = j ? hz : periods[i];
+ 			uint64_t mul32 = 0, adj32 = 0, shift = 0;
+ 			sprintf(name, j ? "%s_TO_HZ" : "HZ_TO_%s", names[i]);
+ 			/* Figure out what shift value gives 32 significant
+ 			   bits of MUL32 data.  (Worst case to=1 from=1000000
+ 			   uses 52 bits, to<<shift won't overflow 64 bit math.)
+ 			*/
+ 			for (;;) {
+ 				mul32 = ((to << shift) + from - 1) / from;
+ 				if (mul32 >= (1UL<<31))
+ 					break;
+ 				shift++;
+ 			}
+ 			/* ADJ32 is is just (((FROM/GCD)-1)<<SHIFT)/(FROM/GCD)
+ 			   but this can overflow 64 bit math (examples, HZ=24
+ 			   or HZ=122).  Worst case scenario uses 32+20+20=72
+ 			   bits.  Workaround: split off bottom 32 bits and
+ 			   reassemble after calculation (32+64=96 bits). */
+ 			adj32 = from / gcd;
+ 			if (shift > 32) {
+ 				uint64_t upper, lower;
+ 				upper = (adj32 - 1) << (shift - 32);
+ 				lower = (upper % adj32) << 32;
+ 				adj32 = ((upper/adj32) << 32) + (lower/adj32);
+ 			} else
+ 				adj32 = ((adj32 - 1) << shift) / adj32;
+ 			/* Emit the constants into the header file. */
+ 			fprintf(file, "#define %s_MUL32\tU64_C(0x%"PRIx64")\n",
+ 				name, mul32);
+ 			fprintf(file, "#define %s_ADJ32\tU64_C(0x%"PRIx64")\n",
+ 				name, adj32);
+ 			fprintf(file, "#define %s_SHR32\t%"PRIu64"\n",
+ 				name, shift);
+ 			fprintf(file, "#define %s_NUM\t\tU64_C(%"PRIu64")\n",
+ 				name, to/gcd);
+ 			fprintf(file, "#define %s_DEN\t\tU64_C(%"PRIu64")\n\n",
+ 				name, from/gcd);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	fprintf(file, "#endif /* __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H */\n");
+ 	/* Notice if the disk fills up. */
+ 	fflush(file);
+ 	return ferror(file);
+ }