Note: This is a mirror of my old home directory. This hasn't been updated since I resigned as BusyBox maintainer after becoming too disgusted with Bruce Perens to ever again contribute to a project he can claim totally undeserved credit for.

Hello world!

Here's my development log. It started as notes to self about Firmware Linux, and evolved over the years. Now it's mostly about BusyBox, and things that prevent me from working on BusyBox. (I also ave a livejournal, but I don't update it nearly as often.)

I wrote a few busybox related shell scripts.

Here's my todo list. It's way out of date, but not as out of date as my home page. My current todo list includes a todo item to collate my other todo lists. Sigh...

I'm slowly putting Firmware Linux in here, but I haven't had much time to work on it recently. (The general idea is to make a tiny development environment based on linux, busybox, uclibc, binutils, gcc, and make, and then get that to rebuild itself under itself from source code. At the moment I still need one extra package: bash, but bbsh should fix that once I get it done.) Working on this has found more bugs in busybox than anything else I've done, but between getting engaged, coming to work at TimeSys, and becoming BusyBox maintainer, my free time's not what it once was...

My 2006 OLS presentation on Populating Initramfs with BusyBox and uClibc is a bit sparse, but there it is if you're curious.